Monday, January 5, 2009

Why No More Big Bed Daddy?

Well my Daddy says that I leave a smell on the bed, & he told Mommy that I could go on the bed as long as I was on her robe, but then he found pictures of me sleeping like the sweet little boy that I am, on the pillows, & the bed(without the robe). So he said, "No More." (at least for right now.)

Anyway, something is breaking me out on my bed & it's upset my Mommy so she has to make me a new bed, she doesn't mind, she just hasn't been able to(not feeling well, she has been vomiting lately.) so she washed my bed & covered my bed up with one of her over sized T- shirts. The rash(which is on my inner thigh) is clearing up!

I guess I'll still get to get on the big bed if Mommy puts the robe on the bed & I'm going to get a new bed, so that's going to be great!

I do have some bloggers working with me now so if you have anyone who needs good vibes, my workers & I will be glad to snuggle, kiss, play bitey face, cuddle, zoomie, & all other things that they enjoy to do to put forth the good vibes towards persons & fursons in need! Just shoot me an e-mail with the name & problem, so we can get started!


Dughallmor Beagles said...

Glad to hear your rash is clearing up, (maybe it was no-big-bed related stress!?) and hope your Mom is feeling better soon....yeuch, hate it when our humans are ill, so gross!
Slobbers xx

Unknown said...

Hi! Lady and I enjoyed your visit to our blog. Let's be friends. Oh and our Mom says she went to high school in North Augusta. We feel for your rashes. Lady doesn't have many problems buy I get bad itchs every year in the spring and summer cause of the grass and weeds around our building. Mom has to sometimes give me Benedryl cause of it. Arfs from Lady and Daisy.

Kelly said...

Eduardo, how can Daddy resist that sweet face of yours? I am not allowed in bed either, but SOMETIMES I look really really cute and I get to come in! :)

River said...

Yes, I think you should get some compensation--like a new bed. I hope your mommy will feel better. It's so hard when you don't feel well most of the time. We don't snuggle but we can howl.

love & wags,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Hmmmm -

Why doesn't your DAD get the new bed and woo keep snugglepugglin' with your mom?

It will make her feel better khwikhker!


Abby said...

Hi, Eduardo...

Make sure your Mom keeps that robe on the bed...Then your Dad will have to let you sleep there...

Do you have any openings for a job in napping...I'm really good with that?

Abby xxxooo

Grace said...

Hi Eduardo, I am sad that you can not sleep on big bed anymore. Our "Bud" is big enough that Dad don't want him on big bed, too. :(
Anyway, I want to tell your mom that I will be posting the part 3 (of the post that she had commented on) on Sunday. Watch it out.:)

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Just barked by Eduardo to say Happy New Year, sorry I have been quiet but we had computer crashing problems.

I wish all the best for you and yours for 2009 and My Jeannie does too.

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxxxxx

Mack said...

We hope you and your momma are feeling better. It's no fun when you have the itchies and sickies.


Two Greyhound Town said...

Can your Mom put a big blanket on the bed that is just for you? Our Mama does that, but we like to fluff up the blankets so it doesn't work so well for us. Just don't do the fluffing and the big blanket should work for you.

Hope your Mom starts feeling better soon.

Unknown said...

Dear Eduardo SnuggleyPug, so glad to hear your itchies are clearing up. We hope your mom is feeling better too. We hope your mom gets lots of rest and you get a new bed! Our mom just could not sleep at all if we were not there to share our farts of love with her all night.
Howie, Annie, and Java Cheese Manufacturer Puggy

The Daily Echo said...

Perhaps Dad would be more interested in the sofa. Just a thought - just tryin to help ya there little buddy.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You are one lucky pup to have a such a great Mom.. She knew just what to do...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Sandra y Coco Pug said...

Hi Eduardo, I am sorry you are not allowed on the big bed anymore... my dad didn't want me at first but now he allows it for a while but not to sleep the whole night. Anyway, I like to move a lot when I sleep (from the futon, to the floor, underneath the desk, by the door, etc).

Asta said...

I hope you get to go on the wobe on the big else can you pwopewly snuggle youw Mom?
I hope she gets bettewew soon..pleez use the just say no to seizuwe on you blog if you want to..No one should have to have them hoomans ow doggies's too tewwible.
Twy puttin twee twee oil on youw wash if it doesn't cleaw up enuff
love and smoochie kisses

Rambo said...

I am sorry you have the itchies. That's a drag. I don't blame you for wanting to sleep in the big bed. Its nice. Me and the little Midget sneak out of our beds and into the big bed every night. Maybe you can do the same. Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi.
Rambo the chi

L said...

We think the robe is a good solution. It will make your daddy happy plus you can smell your mommy when you snuggle on the big bed. We are glad your rash is clearing up.

Comet and BLU
ps. We hope your mom feels better soon.

The Devil Dog said...

We are glad your rash is clearing up. Mom hasn't forgotten your mom and the measuring thing, she's just ... forgotten!
Lucky and I will work with you as well. You know we do a super job at snuggling.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Eduardo!
Paws crossed for your mom and for your itches too!
I agree with Khyra!
Kisses and hugs

BeadedTail said...

I hope your Mommy feels better and that your itches go away!

Joe Stains said...

omdog Daddy seems like he needs to relax LOL. just don't get caught! I hope your rash gets better.

Bae Bae said...

Aw.. I hope your mom is better now. But you're still allowed on the bed if you're on a robe right?

~ Bae

Simba and Jazzi said...

Hope you Mummy is feeling better. A new bed sounds good.

Simba x

Liz said...

hi eduardo! i'm sure you're missing the big bed a lot, and i hope your mom won't forget to put her robe on the bed so you can stay there.

Duke said...

The robe sure sounds good to us! We're not allowed on the bed!
We hope your mom feels better soon!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

We think the big bed will miss you and invite you back. Especially if you go over to your Dad's side of the bed and give him the big sad eyes.

Bruschi said...

Hey Eduardo, tell your daddy that it's the beagle half of us that makes a little stink! BOL! My daddy gets annoyed with the way the sheets smell after I am in the bed, but Mommy just bathes me weekly and washes the sheets every few days and now we are all happy!

Sorry to hear about your rash!! I wonder what is causing it? I hope you feel better soon!

Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello eduardo its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am not shoor it is troo that yoo ar leeving a smel on the sheets in my ekspeeryense peepul jenerally smel wurse than dogs ha ha ok bye