Sunday, January 4, 2009

An Ode To The Big Bed

Daddy says no more snuggle puggle on the big bed!
I will miss you big bed!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


It khan't be!

Was it his stooooopid resolution thingie?

Woo are welkhome to head North - would khan snugglepuggle on our big bed!


Mr. Puggle® said...

NO! Say ain't so dad? Eduardo, I feel for ya man. At least you will always have the memories and the pictures to carry you through. ;)

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Oh no he didn't!! You will have to put the paw down Eduardo, after all, a Puggle needs to snuggle (being part Hound) and he needs a big bed and a duvet to do it on!

Anonymous said...

Can he akshully DO that, Eduardo? That does not seem very fair to us.

Pug Posse said...

Those humans can be really mean sometimes...we would be really upset if we were told we couldn't snuggle in the big bed anymore! That is our favorite place!

Hopefully your human will come to his senses...give him your best sad face :-)

Pug hugs and kisses (and snuggles)!
The Pug Posse

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry about it, Eduardo! I know from experience that mommies tend to always win this battle. You will reunited with the big bed. What a puggle wants, a puggle gets!


Peanut said...

What no more big bed? Why? What did I miss.

Abby said...

Hi, Eduardo...

Oh No...He can't mean it...

Just look at him with that adorable face & he will give in...

Abby xxxooo

Faya said...

WHAT ????
No no no they cannot do this ! Impossible for a dog to understand this. One day is ok and the next is not ok anymore ??? No no ... this is something impossible to learn for us.....
Kisses, Faya
PS : the picture is beautiful !!!

Asta said...

How can that be???
you look like you belong thewe
smoochie kisses

Shmoo said...

I will be more than happy to represent you in court to get back your right to the big bed. Just say the word and I will serve a subpoena to your human to cease and desist this cruel treatment until you have your day in court.

Attorney at Claw

Erin said...

OH that is so sad :(( You look really cute though!

L said...

What kind of crazy rule is that? You need to tell your mommy to let you ignore your daddy's rule!

Gus said...

NO! that is not good. Did you do something Terrible (pee on the big bed?)

If he remains adamant about this, you may move in with me. But your dad has to take TEKA! Tell him it would be better to let you sleep in the big bed.

Also, tell him we have reached consensus on this issue, and he is the only holdout.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Eduardo!
Why? He must be nice and share it!
Come here and you can be on the big bed all the time!
Kisses and hugs

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello eduardo its dennis the vizsla dog hay oh no that is haynus indeed!!! why if my dada tried that he wood be the wun sleeping on the dog bed not me!!! ok bye

Two Greyhound Town said...

No big bed!? Yikes! We hope your Daddy changes his mind. We love our big bed and would be really sad if we were not allowed on it. We can only get on it during the day though. Is that what your Daddy means? Why would he do such a thing?

Unknown said...

Por que EduardoPuggley! Por que??!!
We sure hope you have a nice alternative comfy bed nearby. Otherwise your mommy's feetsies are going to be very chilly without her snuggley nearby.
comforting hugs,
Howie, Annie and Java

Petra said...

Oh come, on....your daddy can't be serious, can he?!

Show him who is boss, Eduardo!

River said...

We snuggle everywhere here! Maybe they can get you a big Red of your own that's just as nice. I say it isn't fair though.

love & wags,

Lacy said...

w00f's Eduardo, me sorry ur daddy says no to the big bed now...mayb he will change his mind...

b safe,

Bae Bae said...

Aw.. Where is the big bed going??

~ Bae

Simba said...

awwww..poor snuggle puggle! Where will you sleep now??

