Work hard everyone! I will be going around to see who is working. Please leave me a comment & let me know if you are an employee of mine. So far I know Roxy & Lucky, Mack , Abby & Coco are employees. I need to know who are employees so that I can mark down if you did a post or not & that will count toward the total amount,(for the month) so I will know who will be Employee Of The Month! Go here for more info.
3 hours ago
Good thing!
I thought we were going to have to rehome him!
Woo khan put me down as grateful employee - I will make my furst post on the 15th!
Don't worry we will be working for you but on the night shift. Our mom blogs after work. Lazy...
-Sophie, Dixie, and Harley, your loyal night shift employees!
We're working hard over here Boss!
Hi, Eduardo...
I'm hard at work today, Boss...
Stop by my Blog & see...
Abby xxxooo
Good morning, boss! I already finished my work shift, come see the results on my blog!
How Cool. I want to be employee of the month and work hard too. I will go and check it out for sure.
Hope you and your family are healthy, happy, and everything great.
I can see you are hard at work, Eduardo! Good for you, keep it up!
oh are becoming a captain of industry! And you are setting an excellent example for your employees.
I am the definition of "hard-worker", well, maybe medium-hard worker :)!
If you work hard like this all day, how do you work the night shift too? Just wondering ... Madison would rather PLAY than work, lol ...
Can we be employees too? What must we do?
--JB, Misty, PooPoo and Bear too
I am a vewy happy employee of youws..You awe a vewy good boss..I'm wowking hawd on helping Mommi get well
hope youw Mom is feeling bettew
smoochie kisses
Eduardo, you are workin' hard for your kibble! On the bed! Yay!
Hey boss,
Can I have next Friday off???
The heeler's will be working for you.. Just tell us when we can start??
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
what's up Boss?
I see your busy there, so I will talk to you later...
Eduardo,I am so happy your Dad caved,heehee You look good working!!!!!! I saw Roxy & Lucky too :)
Purrs Mickey
Hey boss! We posted our work pictures today...we had to wait until Mommy got home cuz we can't reach the computer...
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse
You look so happy! We are glad that your Daddy is letting you on the bed again!
Employee of the month, huh? Cool.
Roxy & Lucky
Employee of the month, huh? Cool.
Roxy & Lucky
Eddie, if you need someone to pinchhit for ya, I'm your cat!
We are glad you are allowed back on the bed Eduardo. We love the big bed.
Hope your mum is feeling better now.
You look so cute on your robe, all snuggly. :-)
Holly & Zac
w00f's Eduardo, me iz helping too, mama sick and me been making shure her iz feeling wont let daddy near her...
b safe,
Yeah! You are back on the big bed.
I would be happy to sign up to work as a foot chewer and licker, but my girl tries to fire me every time I start gnawing on my feet.
Eduardo - the pugs are burning the midnight oil and just posted their 'working with the snuggle puggle' blog!
We're so glad you've got a good workplace!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hi Eduardo,
we are all releived you made it back today. We think we'll make for a good and talented workers.
Sure is nice that your Dad allowed you on the bed again!
Kisses and hugs
just back from abby's. so... all three of us at home must be working REALLY REALLY HARD coz we sleep all the time!
wet wet licks
WE WORKED WITH YOU. Gosh was it tiring.
I think ya needs kitties if ya's gonna truly high quality snoozies.
You can see mine blog for the best in kitty naps.
I want join the snuggle force! I sleep and howl very well--that's my best thing. I will make my blog today (Tues.) my at work blog!
love & wags,
We are sorry to hear about the big bed. Maybe when Mommy feels better she can make you a special blanket to go on the bed.
That ham looked yummy and we want to try it one of these days.
We are sure that we would like to work for you, but have been very slow about blogging lately. Please bare with us.
Hey, man. I have noticed that so many of my friends are your friends and that you are a Snuggler of the Highest Order. I had no idea what it meant to be your employee until I read Deetzy's blog today.
Just wanted to introduce myself and invite you over for a slurp from my bowl. I'm Stanley (a rescue Airedale), and my sissy Stella is a rescue Lakeland Terrier. Come by anytime!
Your new goober friend,
Pee Ess
I'm seriously considering becoming your employee... maybe....
You are the master. Keep working little dude.
Hi Eduardo! I noticed some of my friends were working for you so I came by to see what's up. I've got my hands full with my crazy little brother so I can't take on any more work right now, but it'll be fun to see how your employees are doing...
Your friend,
hello eduardo its dennis the vizsla dog hay may i just say oh yeah!!!!!!! ok bye
can we werk for you too Eduardo? We are experts at napping!
I am definitely in your employ! I work hard just like you ALL DAY LONG!
hey buddy you look sooo comfy at least you get to get on the big bed and the robe looks oh so snuggly. None of us have ever been on the big bed that's probably why m&d bought us 3 beds each last year so we would furget about big bed sheesh
hey we all got drooly over you food and we wanna be emplyees of the month but the sickly computee may hamper our efforts but were still gonna try ~ Boss :)
lots of love licks
Eduardo, are you working hard or hardly working? BOL! That's some stupid saying my mommy says all the time!
I am "working hard" over here Eduardo!! Lounging, napping, sleeping, stretching, know the usual!
Hugs and Licks, Bruschi
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