I woke up & they were gone.

Mommy says I will feel better soon. She also says they decided to "leave the empty sack". So I would still feel like there is something there. She was very happy about that.

Mommy's friend got me a new toy to make me feel better. I love it!

You've got to get one of these toys!
Eduardo! They took your nards? How come?
At least you got a cool toy out of the deal.
Hi, Eduardo...
Uh Oh...Are you feeling OK?
Don't you love those toys that give you treats...
Hope you feel better soon & they take the cone off your head...
Abby xxxoooo
oh buddy. sorry man. they took mine too. join the club. :(
Oh wow theys did thats to me too at least it looked like I had somethin there for a while, but ventualy it shrunks to near nuthin, betters off withouts them you donts want to be sponcible for unwanted kids, nough of them in the world, youd have to shair your new toy.
Welcome to the club, Eduardo!!! It will OK though. And once you shed that lampshade you will have a blast with your new toy.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Sorry dude - it is all good though - especially like hte op pack said as soon as you shed the lampshade
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Hi Eduardo!
Hope you are feeling better soon. Don't worry, my brother tells me that he doesn't miss his.
Great new toy!! And I love the pics of you sitting and waiting on your walk, you are a good boy!
Ahhhhh, hey. Me too. But I don't even miss them. Well, except when I visit Miss Snickers, but we are OK with the whole thing. We can't afford wirey pups either (though they would be CUTE!)
Woos! Eduardo, I am sure you will not miss them, Scampi does not. I hope you feel ok!
~puppy Kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I hate it when they do that. Somone told me once they named their sport eam the Nads so when people cheered they would yell Go Nads. hehehehehehe sorry to hear you lost yours :(
I don't have mine anymore either, Eduardo, and I don't really miss them!
Yer friend,
Oh welcome to the club Eduardo! You won't even miss your manhood! I hardly even remember what it was like to have them! BOL!
And in no time, you'll be rid of that silly cone! Feel better!
Hugs and Licks, Bruschi
Hope you feel better soon. Does the toy make up for the cone?
*kissey face*
Hi Eduardo
Mine have been gone so long I don't even remember what they looked like. Toys and food are the best combination.
I am sorry Eduardo, I hope you get that thing off of your neck soon. I am glad you got a toy.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Ohhhhh.... well, um. I feels so uncomfortable right now. Hope you's feeling OK. At least you gots some treats!
Your Mom is right, you will feel better soon. I had the snip-snip over a year ago but I do remember it well. I felt lots better after that first night. You'll get lots and lots of snuggles for the next week because the hoomans will feel guilty...at least mine did.
Chihuahua kisses,
Hi, Eduardo!
Glad to know everything went well!
I have a toy that gives you treats but I never know how to get them! Ha!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Oh Eduardo, I didn't even know that this was going to happen. I wish I could have been there, to hold your mom's hand...cause I know she worried about you!!!
Get better real soon, you snuggly puggly.
WHOA! Eduardo...You got slipped into neutral! You will feel better soon buddy...I was up and running around by the second day!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
I'm very sorry... I arrived Monday form my holidays and I didn't knew you are in that situation...
I hope you will be better soon
Hi Eduardo
We hope your feeling better soon.
We love your new toy, it looks like so much fun.
Love Ruby & Penny
Welcome to the neutered club!
Have your momma decorate your new e-collar...You can make it look very manly and be the talk of the blog-world.
-Bobo and Mollie Jo
How are you doing Edurardo? Hope that new toy helps and those snacks they got be the best..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
w000fs, ooo Eduardo, me sorry u gots that lampshade on u head..hope u feels better soon..
b safe,
Oh no Eduardo!
I hope you are feeling better soon :)
Big licks to you
Feel better Eduardo! You will be back to your fun self real soon. I really don't know how it feels cuz I'm a Female Puggle. BOL!
Try and have a Barking Great weekend.
Licks & Wags, Ariel <3
Oh Eduardo!
I know exactly how you feel...they took mine last summer! my mommy says that its supposed to help me live longer. you're new toy looks fun!
puggle power!
Uh oh... It's Ok, Eduardo. All the cool kids are doing it... Hope you heal up real quick so you can take that silly cone off. :)
Oh dear. The same thing happened to all of our kitties...but they all seemed to get over it, so hopefully you'll feel...ummm...lighter and freer soon!
I HOPE you are feeling better soon! It must be hard to snuggle like us puggles like to do with that Lamp shade on....i STILL dont know why your momma put that on you.....do you have to plug into the wall too? YIKES I hope not :O
Eduardo, did they remove the nuts from your peanuts?! Hope you feel better...
Cool toy. I hope you will feel better soon. :)
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