When I go outside I have to wait before doing anything!

Everytime we have to cross the street I have to wait.

Mommy says safety first, Mommy knows best I guess,

Mommy walks slow so sometimes I have to wait for her to catch up.

Do you every have to wait for anything?


Oh man! I am being forced to wait a lot too. Momma is even trying to "control" when I stop to pee and poo. She says something about needing to pay more attention. Well, if she would walk faster I would.
cute! i am suppose to wait but i don't. i am a naughty dog.
Wooos! we always have to wait too. Wait to go out, wait to eat, waiting always.....
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We walk nice for mommy - and sit at the corners and even look both ways (funny to teach - but totally useless) we have to wait at the gate when mommy throws the garbage out - no escaping allowed - so yes we have to wait alot too
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
you are a good "waiter" Eduardo! I used to have to wait too, but I am not as patient as I was in my puppy days!
Hugs and Licks, Bruschi
yep, we haf to wate for DINNER.
hmmm... sounds like we all have controlling parents!
hello eduardo its dennis the vizsla dog hay mama duz the saym thing to us espeshly tucker becuz he is always pulling to go warever he wants to go so she just stops and mayks him wayt a wile before mooving agin!!! ok bye
I wait cause I have the nose leash on! No fun pulling in that thing. But Arrow is training our mom to wait. He just sits down and refuses to move.
Oh yes, Mom seems to think it is good practice for our listening and obeying. We have to sit before food, sit before going outside, sit at the corners, sit when joggers or bikers or walkers pass us. With all the waiting we do, it is wonder we get anywhere.
Play bows, the OP Pack
Good things come to those who wait. That is what we are told.
Plus, I think it helps build kharakhter...
Or something like that!
Yeeah we have to wait & be calm to proceed.
-Mollie & Bobi
Good things come to doggies who wait, Eduardo! Mom tells us this all the time and we how hard waiting is!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I have been waiting and waiting for my mum too stop being busy so I can come see you.
I got tired of waiting.
Don't you know that waiting builds character?
Slow down and enjoy your time with your mom!
oh eduardo - you are one good doggie - I don't wait for anything - I figure I am cute - why should I have to behave?
You are such a good waiter!
Hi, Eduardo...
I know what you mean...
I'm always waiting for my Mom...
Abby xxxooo
We have to wait and sit before we can go out in the backyard. But we're not very good at waiting. You look awfully cute doing all that waiting!
Chihuahua kisses,
Bentley & Lexus
What is this with all the waiting our humans want us to do. Don't they know we just want to go, go, go?
Youre soooo cute Eduardo!
My mom is so slow! I'm always waiting for her to do something--like feed us!
love & wags,
You're good at waiting. :)
~ Bae
My mom is slower then a dead person so I know about waiting.
Awe Eduardo you are a very Great Wait'er. Human Granny makes me Wait all the time too! When we go out the door, when we come in, when we cross the street (and mostly their is never a car), and when I eat. The thing that gets me is when I have to "Watch Me" well watch human Granny that is. I just want to watch the food. Snickers! Love the pup pics. Have a Barking Great rest of the weekend.
Licks & Wags, Ariel <3
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