I had a bunny, and I enjoyed playing with.
But I ripped his throat out & Mommy said she was going to throw that bunny away!

The other day I was surprised to see a headless bunny wannabee outside of my bedroom.

Mommy said that this creature was bunny, she had just sewn it's head inside of it's body. With the ears out of course so I would have something to grab & toss it by.

That was great news for me! I love new toys!

Hey Bunny I missed you!

Don't forget to vote for the Winner & Runner up of my contest. Also thanks everyone for the info about the grapes. We had NO idea! Mommy will be MUCH more careful next time.

That new bunny looks fun! The ears are the best part. hehe
Your pal,
Ha rooo rroooooo - a headless eared bunny!!! Glad you still have that toy to play with.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hey - what a clever mommy you have to create such a fun toy. And what a lovely surprise for you to wake up and find it outside your bedroom - woo-hoo! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Sometimes stuffies are even more fun after their body parts have been rearranged.
That's a fun toy! Glad she left the ears out...you have to have something to grab on to :-)
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse
hehehe.. great bunny!
Eduardo, you lucky snuggle puggle. Your Mommy thinks of everything!
Very interesting...Your momma is creative.
-Mollie and Bobo
Wow...your Mom is very crafty! We're so glad you got your bunny back. We have torn up our favorite toys before too and sometimes we don't ever get to see them again!
Chihuahua kisses,
Bentley & Lexus
It still looks like lots of fun fur woo!
PeeEssWoo: We are glad to have been able to edukhate woo about the bad stuff!
that bunny is awfully cute - do you know what my mom does now? when I de-stuff my stuffies - she just gives them back to me without stuffing!!! Do you know what - they work just fine - I swing them about and play tug a war
cute toy - a little strange but we are happy you like him
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Hi, Eduardo!
Your mom did a pawesome job with the bunny!
Now you can have fun with him again!
Kisses and hugs
That's a great toy. A bunny body leftover. Is it better than your cow?
love & wags,
Wow! That was a barking Great idea. I am going to tell human Granny about that one.
Licks & Wags, Ariel <3
Your Mom is very cool. I have been known to shake the ears off of mine, maybe you can try that next.
licks and sniff, Sasha
That looks like a fun toy still. ;)
~ Bae
hello eduardo its dennis the vizsla dog hay that is cool its like frankenbunny or sumthing!!! or a bunny wot wuz jenetikly crossd with a turtel!!! ok bye
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