I'm the king of this jungle & there are many things to explore!

I have many adventure in my jungle. Today I'm looking for my servant, he is a very nice lizard & I know Green Boy is around here somewhere.

I picked up Green Boy's scent & I was on the move. I called "Green Boy, where are you? I need your help reaching the treats in my kingdom!" But he never came out...

I went to his favorite hang out(he loves to lay in the sun.) & called for him again, "Green Boy, Stop this nonsense & come out this instance!". But he never came out...

I was feeling pretty down, I couldn't find my Green Boy & I was started to think something bad happened to him! I mean, who is going to climb the counter tops at home for me & get me my treats? I am a king of a jungle & a king needs a servant!

Mommy said that our walkie was done & it was time to go inside. I decided to make a pit stop & relieve myself. When a squeaky little voice said: "King Eduardo! Don't pee on me!" I was very surprised & a little upset as I had passed this spot at least three times calling Green Boy's name & he hadn't come out...

"Green Boy!" I said, "Get your lizard butt up those stairs right now! Mommy only gives me one treat after walkies & I would like another one!" Green Boy apologized for his tardiness & hurried up the stairs ahead of me & Mommy. Being the King of my jungle is great!
Don't forget to vote for the winner & runner up of my contest!

Don't forget to vote for the winner & runner up of my contest!
Hi Eduardo!
You are so cute running around being the king of the jungle. I am glad you found Green Boy!!
hail king eduardo!
"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, Eduardo pees tonight ..."
I voted - and I like your jungle. It's very pretty.
O'my Eduardo King of the Jungle. I would of eaten that lizard if I had found him. Tasty treat for me. He should be on guard for his master. Looks like you had a Barking Great time out in the jungle. Continue on King Eduardo. Now I "Take Bow" to you. Snicker! Snicker! Yes human Granny voted too!
Catch you later pup.
Licks & Wags, Ariel <3
Eduardo the jungle puggle has a nice ring to it.
We have lizard friends here too...they are blue and green. They don't like to have their picture taken...but if we can ever catch one on film we will share it.
-Mollie and Bobo
all hail - king of the jungle
we are king and queens of the couch!!
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
You are the king of your jungle.
I would have eaten mr lizard if I had found him... or wait... since you're king, I guess I would have brought him back to you! BOL!
Excellant work, you show that green thing who is boss around there. I hope the treat thing worked.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
HI PAL! We have been reading everyone's bloggies but have not had the time to write but we are back on track now!! You are looking as cute as ever!! Love A+A
nice stride!
We bet green boy is relieved that you didn't make him a yellow and green boy!
What a great adventure you had, Eduardo - glad you found Green Boy.
Woos, the OP Pack
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