However if you DO want to enter my contest the next event is MOST DUFUS LOOK & I need the pictures by the 12Th. Please send them to eduardopuggle@yahoo.com . Remember ANYONE can enter(except human blogs) & EOTM are really needed to enter if they want a chance at being Ultimate Employee! Don't forget the GRAND PRIZE!
Hahaha! That's a challenge if ever we've seen one.
Lots of treats,
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
sorry sorry - we have now sent mommy a reminder to check our phone library for a dufus look - she marked the last one and still missed it - but we wont let it happen again
Woodrow Sweetie MJ
Oh Eduardo, I would love to enter your contest, but unfortunately, I just never look like a dufus. If you ever have a diva contest, I am in!
ohh ohh...I have the perfect photo for this contest...I will have momma pee mail it to you now.
-Mollie Jo
Hmmm. I'm going to have to see what I've got. I'm sure I've got SOMETHING where I look like a complete doofus...
*kissey face*
okay, i will go look. i thought you had to be an EOTM to compete.
Hi, Eduardo...
BOL...My Mom is gonna send my other entries tonite...
You are sooo funny...
Abby xxxooo
Thank you for having another contest. I love you Eduardo.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
DARN!!! Our Mom has been so busy Twittering (by the way we vote regularly for you and are continuing to do that) that she's gotten way behind letting us get on so we can read our pals blogs! Today, we told her it was OUR turn to do blog reading!
We didn't get our meditating pics in, though we had them ready and I sure hope we can get my brother, BG's dufus picture up (I agree with Sophie Brador--I don't DO dufus!) I'll talk to Mama OC about posting it at the end of her post tonight announcing the winner of our 100th post contest. Dott from Corgi Country
How clever!
Woo sooooo made your point be known!
We are trying, Eduardo, but Mom is never around to catch the right moment.
woos, the OP Pack
I'm working on a pose Eduardo.
woo hoo Tanner is entered!!
This should be a very interesting contest.
BOL! What a challenge! You have a cute butt! :)
OK, I don't have my own blog all to myself. Sorry, Maggie Millicent
Sorry Eduardo, I won't let my Mom send any of my "dufus" photos -- not that there are any, of course...
Happy Summer!
xoxo - Bella
My pics are all in and them that don't want to go by the rules stop Wimpering! Well I can tell them to just go fetch a stick or something.
On to the next contest.
Licks, Ariel <3
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