Monday, March 23, 2009

My BFF Macy

Macy is out of heat & thank dog! I haven't tried to hump her any(or any other dog!) & I get to keep my nards for a little longer(a little over a month till I get fixed!:( ) Now that she is out of heat we get to hang out again! Right before my Mommy started recording she asked me if I was ready to go see Macy, of course I went berserk because that's my BFF & I haven't seen her in 3 weeks or more!

After seeing Macy she gave me a bone! I was so happy that my BFF gave me a bone I carried it all the way home!

The bone was beef flavored & boy oh boy was it good!

Make sure you stop by tomorrow I've been working hard at the Bark Park!


Gus said...

that bone looks Yummy. and Macy doesn't look too bad either. Good dog, Eduardo

gussie n Teka

Nibbles Treats said...

Geesh, that bone is almost as big as you. Glad you got to spend time with your BFF again. We forget how lucky we are that there are three of us and we always get to play together.

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

the magic sleigh said...

Yummy bone, I hope you had a great time visiting Macy!
-kisses- Kira

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Well, it sure does look like Macy IS your BFF - you were so excited in that first video. And what a great bone - we don't know how you carried it all the way home - it is so BIG.

Isn't it nice to have a good furiend?

Woos, the OP pack

Lacy said...

w00f's, what a [pawsome friend Macy iz...and that bone iz pawtastic...wish me had a friend to gived me a big bone like that..

b safe,

Duke said...

We're so glad Macy arrived just in the nick of time! We're not patient waiters either, Eduardo!
Your bone looks delicious! yummmm

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Chrissie said...

Yum! And BFF! and Bone-yum! What a great day, Eduardo!

Chase said...

Eduardo, it sure looked like you enjoyed that bone!

Sniffs and licks,


Girasol said...

thats a big bone and all for you...lucky you!

L said...

That bone looks good. We can't believe you can chew on that inside. We would have to eat something like that in the yard.

Pugsley and Lola said...

Hi Eduardo:)

Isn't it GREAT to visit your BFF!?! Salinger is my BPF and I love to go visit him and play. It looks like you and Macy had a fun time:)

Thank Goodness for BFF's!!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Eduardo!
I am sure you were so happy to be with Macy again!
And she gave you a huge bone! Wow!
I saw you enjoying it!
Kisses and hugs

Jemima Jones Beck said...

Glad that you get to keep your balls a little longer! I know that my brother Netty would tell you to do anything nescasary to keep them as long as possible. Netty even tried regrowing his after Mom and Dad had them chopped, that didn't work so well.
Jemima Jones Beck

Moco said...

What a great day out. You are so lucky to have a friend that shares bones with you.

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Slurp!! yummy bone!!!!

Btw, did you received my resume Eduardo?? Can I be your employee??

slurpy licks,

Ian said...

Whoa - Macy must be one special lady!

Bae Bae said...

That's really nice that you get to visit your BFF and get a treat. :)

~ Bae

Karen Jo said...

You really did get excited about visiting Macy, Eduardo. What a big bone! I can see that you really enjoy it.

Suzuki said...

Oh my... Does Roxy know about Macy?
Big licks to you

Mason Dixie said...

What a great friend you have to give you such a wonderful bone. =)