When you get the honest scrap award you must list ten honest things about yourself. Here goes:
- I sleep most of the day
- I lick my butt
- I cry for my Mommy when she's out of my sight
- I enjoy toilet water
- I can open most closet & cabinet doors
- I love to sleep in the dirty clothes
- I will eat any bug
- Jamming my nose in the crotch of peoples pants is something I love to do
- I likes the lotion on my skin(Mommy puts Oatmeal lotion on me after a bath.)
- I love to dig in the bed!
I would like to thank you all for these awards! I'm passing them to ALL of my friends! Yes ALL of you. Hannah Fanna tagged me to do this meme,(her Mommy says I'm a cutie, Thanks Ms.Witty it's the puggle genes!) Here are the rules:
1. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged and to read your blog.
5. For the recipients, leave a comment for the person who tagged you, so they can go and read your answers. Let the fun begin. Tell me more about yourselves so I can get to know you better...
And here we go:
- I go out 4 times or more a day.
- I stare at Mommy & Daddy when they eat
- I hate cows, I wish to destroy them.
- I love all my blogging buddies
- I enjoy sniffing butt
- I love playing with my pawrents
- I've been told I'm the "World's Best Boss!"
- I have healing snuggle powers
WOOHOO! It's hard to think of stuff! I've been working hard catching up on blogs, tags, & awards! Now, The first 8 peoples to comment are tagged to do this. ALL of my blogging friends can have these awards! If you haven't went & met Sir Woodstock, or my cousin Bambi, please go meet them now! Tomorrow you will find out who the FIRST Employee Of The Month is!
p.s. Don't forget to vote! Your saving lives & also giving me the chance to win a $1000 shopping spree(say what?!?!).
Okay Eduardo,
This is not the year to hate Cows. It is the year of the OX in the Lunar year, so liking it may give you better luck!
You must really dislike cows. Is that because your mom likes them so much?
I guess we are tagged. We will have to get this posted in the next day or so.
By the way you are such a cutie coming running for that evil sounding cow.
I like #2: I lick my butt.
WOOO! Congrats on those awards!
Eduardo, slow down, woo are working too hard - woo will wear yourself out!!! But great awards and fun memes. We may have to try some of them too.
Woos, the OP Pack
Pee Ess, did woo catch any frogs? Ha Rooooo
Laugh, Laugh, Snort, Snort! For a minute we thought you were writing about us. We love a good crotch goose!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Great awards you got there. You are so deserving..
Actually the trainer told dad to pick up the goat to get Callie's attention..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Congratulations on your awards, Eduardo!
I can't stand when mom touches me after she's put handcream on! It stinks but Mitch LOVES to lick it off her hands!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Eduardo!! Today we were working hard handing out awards and trying to translate Portuguese into English while thinking it was Spanish!! I hope this is OK!!
Hi little buddy!! We are back! Congrats on all of your awards!!!!!(well deserved we must say!!) Love and kisses A+A
I'll nose my assistant and instrukht her to put it on 'my' list!
Nice sharing!
Congrats on all of those awards, you deserve it of course... I guess this means I must make my Mommy play too...
Kira, The Florida Siberian
P.S. I LOVE sticking my nose in human crotches too....
Wow, those are amazing facts about you!
Hi, Eduardo!
Yes, you have been working very hard!
Congratulations on your awards!
I like your meme's!
Kisses and hugs
I worked hard this weekend. I helped our foster doggie play a little. We like cows--to eat. Well, maybe that was mean. Cows are nice to look at! Congratulations on your awards! They are very cool.
love & wags,
Congrates on your awards. ;)
~ Bae
Congrats for your nwe awards.
1 and 8, I love todo it too, arf, arf, arf...
Congratulations on all your awards, Eduardo. You have been working very hard. I love your meme answers.
Congratulations on all of your awards Eduardo :)
Big licks to you
Hi Eduardo
Congratulations on your awards. We think you really deserve them. We liked your video with the cool toy. Mum said to say thanks for your advice on our blog re the copyright but it was just a joke. She made the funny video without asking us dogs!! Mums, whoever gave them cameras!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx
Hey, Bossman!
I was just catching up on your last couple of posts, and I couldn't help but notice how much you ROCKED that dogpark, man! Glad you met some friends and didn't leave before getting some good chase, wrasslin' and peek-a-boo in.
We are going to go by to see Sir Woodstock & Bambi, after we go check out your photo contest.
Thanks for being so honest, so real with all of us. I think we all lick our butts, don't you?
Goober love,
Sir Woodstock here!
Thank-you for the welcome to blogland & going the award tag so well.
Your fine hard working chap!
Hi Eduardo
Gosh you are busy! We were quite worn out after reading about all your activities. Congratulations on all all your awards, well deserved.
Molly and Taffy
hello eduardo its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hav herd a roomer that cows ar wot turn into hambergers and other yummy fuds so dont be haytin just be eetin ha ha ok bye
Tell me about your dog and win a free bag of dog treats!
Tell all your friends!
Wow! I know so much more about you now. I am jealous that you can lick your butt. I can't reach mine.
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