Here are some of the old dogs just chilling, sniffing butt.
This old gal chased me for a little bit & that made her Mommy so happy as she doesn't move around much!

The doggies realized my Mommy had treats! This little guy's name Griffin!

Here I am saying goodbye to these dogs!
They even have a watering hole!
We wanted to go to the big dog side so bad.
After Griffin & his family left I was all alone, just as we were getting ready to leave this dog name Peanut showed up!
And we raced to the ball that our Mommies threw & brought it back to them for treats(which my Mommy had!)
We had so much fun that our Daddies said we could meet up next weekend, if the weather is nice! Mommy says if she can make some friends she will try to take me during the day! Also Mommy says she was completely surprised at how well I listened! I came when ever I was called, I did all of my commands without hesitation & didn't jump on anyone! She couldn't believe it, even Daddy was proud of me!
Wow! I'm glad you had some fun and made new friends!
w00f's Eduardo, me iz sooo proud of u...looks like u wuz having a pawsome time...lots of new pups..and me kinda not blame ur mama and daddy fur not letting u go to the big doggy side...mayb sumtime when they not many there u can go...
b safe,
Dude. You are a serious bum sniffer. Just like Big Pupi. Mom calls it a 'medical exam' 'cause he knows all about the other dog when he's done!
I think you and I would PAR-TAY at the park together!
Eduardo..we are so proud of you, and muzzer is turning green with jealousy because you are such a good dog. Oh no, that is the stomach flu. Gotta go.
Your new friends are adorable! I've tagged you. Go to my blog to see.
Hi Eduardo
You and Peanut had a blast together. I love how you played hide and seek around that old tree.
I hope you get to go again.
Love Ruby
Hi Eduardo!
It looks like you had a fabulous time at the dog park! You met some very nice doggies! Thanks for playing bingo with me! I will need your email address to send you the code. Also, let me know what color you want for your bingo marker.
:) Tibby
This is excellent news
It looks like you awe a natoowal fow the pawk..a fun pal to have..I'm so glad you finally got some cuties to come play wif you..I suwe would!
I hope you get to go many mowe times
smoochie kisses
Woooo, making new friends is great fun, cool dog park and lots of lovely pictures! Is Peanut part Beagle?
Slobbers xx
You are a good dog, Eduardo. I am happy that you had a good day and play in the park. :)
Barky in the Parky looked like fun and woo made two furiends - Griffen and Peanut sure liked woo. Hope woo get lots more fun days there.
Woos, the OP Pack
Great job at listening to all your mom's commands. We are glad you had fun. It is fun to chase and wrestle another dog that is not afraid of you.
Hi, Eduardo!
Sure you had a great first time at the park!
It was nice to meet those new friends, right?
I am sure you will go back there often!
Kisses and hugs
You seem to be so friendly. Really cute!
That is soooo nice woo had such a khool time!
I would be your pal if woo were in Pawsylvania!
I'm glad woo khan get to go bakhk!
Good job, Eduardo, listening to your pawrents. Now you will get to go back to the fun place and see your friends again. It is nice to make new friends and someone to play with. And it sounds like there were treats too. You have all the luck!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
lucky you! your doggie park looks way nicer then our only one in the city and we don't get to be separate from the ruff doggies cos we are gentle big dogs we would be better off in the little doggie park. Me Sparky got a girl friend that looks like Griffin's twin sister. well we would have played nicely with you.
Love Licks buddy hope you get to go as often as you like
Yay for having fun at the dog park! I would love to go to a dog park (I think) and meet some new pals, but I don't think we have one. Maybe someday!
WOW! Your look like you had sooo much fun! We don't have parks like that over here :( We have to go to the normal park or the dog beach and we are not allowed to go to the beach at the moment because of the shark that is there.
Your friend Griffin is very cute :)
Big licks to you
Eduardo, that just sounds like so much fun. Looks like your daddy enjoyed it too!
We dont have doggy parks in the UK that we know of - great idea.
love Martha & Bailey xx
Wow... what a funny weekend Eduardo!
Here in Spain there aren't parks for dogs... We share all the parks with our human friends, we are very generous, don't you think?
I know the big dogs look like fun, but I am glad you stayed with the little guys. You don't want to get stepped on! That park is great. Hope you get to go again soon.
We feel envy of you, what a big and nice park to run about! Good to make new friends...
I am glad you showed them you could do all of their commands at the dog park, that way they will bring you again and again, your one smart puppy!
-Kira, The Florida Siberian
Good Morning Eduardo!
Looks as though you had much fun @ the weekend.
We have not been formallt introduced but you know my Mother, Poopsie aka Blue.
She assures me you are a fine fellow, so am passing on my very first Blog Award and its tag to you.
Hi Eduardo,
that looks like a great fun. We wish you could come to Panama for a playdate with us.
I love meeting up with other dogs who want to play chase.
Simba x
Looks like a great time at the park, Eduardo!
Eduardo, you are so lucky you got to go to a dog park!! Look at all the new friends you got to meet, big and small!! Mommy won't let me go to a doggy park....she's afraid i'll hurt my knee even more :(
I can't wait til your next doggy park adventure!
hugs and licks, Bruschi
I wish more little dogs came to our park. Mom gets worried.. and so do I when strange new big dogs show up. You never know how they'll react to me. And I need to learn how to submit.
isn't the doggie park the best! we love ours and the puppies have so much fun. i am so glad you had fun in the park and met some new dogs. and of course you listened, you are the best puggle!
We sure are proud of you too, it looks like you had a pawesome time there!!
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