That night my mother bought some medication for earmites. She told me Little Kitty's ears were FULL of earmites it was a wonder she could hear. I was sent to my bed while she treated Little Kitty's ears, but I could hear everything...Little Kitty was not happy with Mommy & voiced her anger! "COLD! PAIN! YUCK! VILE WOMAN!" Little Kitty shouted over & over again. Mommy tried to comfort her but she heard no of it. After the treatment was done I heard Little Kitty purring, Mommy said to her, "See that's better? No more bugs!" I could tell from the bedroom that it was better, Little Kitty's ears didn't smell like they did before & I didn't hear those bugs munching on her sweet little ears!

The next day while me & Mommy were going for a walk we noticed a flyer posted on the stairwell, "LOST KITTY: REWARD FOR MY SAFE RETURN HOME!" There on the flyer were two pictures of Little Kitty....
This is sooooo getting even more interesting!!!!
w00fs, me thinks me gonna like this ending...
b safe,
ooooohhhhh...now we are thinking this may be a happy story.
OM Dawgs! I read part 1& 2....i'm waiting on the seat of my pants! I'm so glad you were able to give her safety until her real parents were found. can't wait to hear the rest!
wild dingo
Thank dogness there are no claws - but no fun getting whacked on the head. So hopefully this little kitty with the round belly is now out of your face:)
Tail wags, Phantom and Thunder
Happy New Year to you, Eduardo, to your mommy, daddy and to little kitty. It sounds like you are all having fun there in your house now. :)
Uhm, this is a furry interesting story. We won't tell you what our momma would do - especially if the kitty was not cared for properly. But we will wait for your story...
Uh oh... now I don't know what could possibly happen next.
What?! Alien kitty belongs to someone? Is this gonna be a happy or sad ending? Why is your mom dragging this out? We can't take it!!
Aww! Great News!
and then..........
This is such a very interesting story and we can't wait to read the next part. We also hope that kitty found it's home again. Thanks for sharing. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
World of Animals
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