Very late post as time got the best of me. Soon we will have the Ultimate Showdown for Ultimate Employee! Where the Employees of the Month will compete for the title of Ultimate Employee, & the grand prize!
So who made the list this month? Quite a few fursons: Winston, & Clemmie, Roxy, & Lucky, The Meezers, Dughallmor Beagles, Coco, Rusty & Riley, River, The Pug Posse, Deetzy, & Sharky, Abby, Grace, Suzuki, Moco & Foley, Madison, Kira & Scampi, Gooberstan, Mason Dixie, Chase, Pugsley, & last but not least George & Gracie, ! If you are currently an Employee of The Month then your name is not on the list as you can not be chosen twice. As you all know depending on how many employees I have decides how many Employees of The Month there will be(new rule click on S.P. Work Force to read more about it.) This month there are 20 so I will pick 2 employees! So who are the employees of the month?
Congrats to ABBY & GOOBERSTAN! Y'all are now officially in the running for ULTIMATE EMPLOYEE! Please send me your favorite photo so it can be added to my blog! Make sure you like it because it will be here FOREVER! I'm so happy with all the new & dedicated employees that I have! I hope to have many more & I'll see YOU at your bloggie!
2 hours ago
Congrats to the winners! Boss, I am sorry I didn't show up for work on Tuesday. Mom was not feeling very well, she was not sick, just kind of sad. She is doing better though!
Eduardo you are so talented. How did you resist all those other treats?
The reds would have eaten them all..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Congrats to the winners - great job working for Eduardo.
We were slackers this month but we promise to try to do better in May.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi Eduardo,
Congrats to the winners! I think I was left off the list by accident. :-)
Sniffs and licks,
BOl, my secretary needs to get her eyes checked!
Sniffs and licks,
hahaha, that cracks me up everytime i watch it. i am getting ready to film Mr. Puggle's contest winner.
COngrats to the winners! Once again Ed, you are puttin' us to shame. Great job pickin' the employee of the month.
Congratulations to the winners!
I am going to tell my mom about working for you!
Kisses and hugs
Hi, Eduardo...
Yay!!! I won...I'm an Employee of the Month...
Thank You!!!
I'll send you my picture tonite...
Abby xxxooo
Congratulations to Abby & Stan!
Are we still just popping by each week to let you know we have posted our working pics?
Big licks to you
Khongrats to all your hard workers AND the winners!
You really wanted three winners didn't you!!?
Congrats to Stan and Abby!
Congratulations to Stan and Abby! You are really good at picking winners, Eduardo.
Congratulations to Abby and Stanley! You have such loyal and hard-working employees, Eduardo!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
It's twooly a twiboote to you to inspiwe such gweat wowk fwom youw employees!
Congwatulations to them all
smoochie kisses
Congrats to the employees of the month!!
Congrats to Abby and Gooberstan!
OMdoG Eduardo... your workforce is fast expanding!!
Congrats to the winners!!!! They are doig a good job with you Eduardo.
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