There are very few human bloggers that I connect with. There are only four that I even follow:
PoopsieBlue, &
Jodi. I connect with the DWBers & Cat bloggers yes because we have something in common, it's a little harder for me to connect with a person blogger(you know where a human is talking about they're day & what not, nothing wrong with it, I'm just an animal blog kinda guy). If you are a human blogger & I follow your blog, well congrats to you, you've got something I enjoy reading about! Of course I hit it off with PoopsieBlue and me & Mommy have always loved her, every DWBer loves her, she is one of us(you know that PoopsieBlue!). When I met Jodi through
Entrecard, I really didn't think I would connect with her, but my Mommy & her have a lot in common. Jodi is going through a hard time right now & my Mommy prays for her every night(she prays for everyone on the good vibes list.). My Mommy cried when she read her
post explaining what she was going through. My Mommy knows what it is like to be in pain every single day(as she is) & for no one to even believe you or care(mostly doctors). Mommy wouldn't wish this on her worst enemy so it hurt so bad to know that a blogging friend was going through it. I've been snuggling a lot more for her. Jodi is going to have surgery on February 5Th & with surgery there are risk so I really just need everyone to pray or send good vibes that day & the days after for a speedy recovery. Jodi also was a victim of the evil ee-con-O-me & she lost her job. So if you stop by her blog, click those ads please, every little bit helps! I know I've been asking for a lot lately, with the
votes & now this, but look at this face:

Can you really deny this puggle? I won't ask for nothing else, just pray for my Jodi. If you don't pray that's fine you can send good vibes! Thanks y'all!
OMD, Eduardo, that is a fabulous photo of you. we love it.
of course we will send our poodle power and the power of the Bs to Jodi. we know that the power of the paw works because it has worked for us before. Bailey's leg is better thanks to all of the paw power out there.
this eeee-con-O-meee is really sucky. our mom lost her job because of it too. we just don't know what is going to happen. every day we hear more bad news.
Oh Eduardo, you are irresistable! You have such a kind heart too, always asking for kind thoughts/prayers for others.
We will send basset best wishes to Jodi to help her through her surgery. It is such a scary time with everything that is going on.
Martha & Bailey xx
Hi, Eduardo...
We will pray & send good vibes...
What a great picture of you...You are soooo adorable...
Abby xxxooo
That is one wonderful picture of you. We will add Jodi to our circle of healing vibes.
No we can't deny this puggle :) We're gonna go straight over to Jodi's blog now :)
Take care,
Josh and Jess
I will cewtainly pway fow youw fwiend Jodi.
If we all stick togethew and pawy , I kow we will weathew this conoMee's awful fow so vewy many.
I could nevew wefoose you
smoochie kisses
We will send lots of AireZen to your friend Jodi!
What a handsome picture of you, Eduardo!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Eduardo, with that face how can anyone deny you anything.
Loads of puppy love and prayers for Jodi.
-Kira, The Florida Siberian
Hi Eduardo
It is nice to meet you. I will send some scruffy vibes to your fwend Jodi.
Tail waggs,
That is a very hard face to deny. It is true. We will go read what Jodi has to say now.
Great Photo Eduardo..we are sending good vibes and clicking ads like crazy...we hope Jodi gets some relief, and we will pray for her like we do for you and your mom.
gussie n Teka
Any photo of woo, Eduardo, is gorgeous, but this one is extra special. We are going to go visit those blogs now and send our strongest sibe vibes along to Jodi.
Woos, the OP Pack
Paws crossed and prayers for Jodi!
Kisses and hugs
We are sending positive healing thoughts and many prayers for your dear friend Jodi...
with pughugs from Texas
But that is what friends are for, to be there when you need some body or some doggy. We will go over and clicky some ads and we will send lots of good vibes.
I will certainly keep Jodi in my thoughts and prayers. No one could deny that face, Eduardo.
Sorry to hear about your Mom's friend, Jodi. My paws are crossed for her.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
We will send our best heeler vibes her way. We are praying that everything goes well with her surgery..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Who can deny that puggle face? You are in control. I am glad your mom found a bloggy friend to share things with. I will be sending Mango vibes her way.
You look so sweet there Eduardo. I wont say No to you. I'll cross my paws for Jodi and hope that she'll be fine with her surgery
~ Bae
We are keeping our paws crossed for your friend.
Simba and Jazzi x
What a sweet post, you are very good friends, Eduardo and mommy. We will think of Jodi and you.
My prayers are with Jodi too.
Hi Eduardo
I really love your picture. You look really good against the pink backgroud.
We will send good vibes Jodi's way and to your mommy.
Love Ruby
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