Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lots of info!

I got an e-mail informing me that January 24th is Change a Pet's Life Day! In short, this is what the e-mail said:
On January 24, Kyra Sedgwick, Golden Globe winner, animal lover and owner of an adopted dog, Paulie, will team-up with the Hill's Science Diet Shelter Nutrition Partnership for Change a Pet's Life Day – a national free* adoption drive to help transform the lives of shelter cats and dogs by giving them a second chance for love. To join us in reducing the number of homeless pets, please visit here for a complete list of participating shelters across the country.
Pet lovers that aren't looking to adopt can still make a difference in the life of a cat or dog by visiting here and entering the Three Bag Challenge Sweepstakes for a chance to win a five thousand dollar donation to a shelter of their choice.
Hill's is also launching 1-877-NEW PET LINE, a resource to help both new and current pet owners understand and manage a variety of their pet's behavioral and nutritional special needs. Staffed with live experts trained by Dr. Jacqui Neilson, DVM of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, pet owners can discuss special needs including acclimating a pet into a new environment, obedience/house training, proper nutrition and pet fitness. The New Pet Line is open between Monday through Saturday from 9a.m. to 5p.m. Central Standard Time.
*Free adoptions are limited to the first 10 pet lovers at each participating shelter.
It's very important that this animals find homes.
Also I found this story over at The Brat Pack & I was outraged!
The story is about a dog who is legally living with his family in Chelsea. They are not breaking any of the building or city rules or regulations. The building board being led by Soledad O'Brien of CNN is taking the family to court to force them to "get rid" of Ugo, a Neopolitan Mastiff. Why, you ask? Well because of his "size, slobbering, shedding, drooling, gassiness and odors." By the way, she lives 3 FLOORS away from Ugo and his family. Ugo's family is even taking him to a professional groomer three times a month to try to make the power-hungry board like him more...and offered to use the freight elevator so his farts wouldn't bother them. They said no. Mommy says you couldn't please those people with a 12" pleasing stick!
All I'm asking is that if you think this is wrong for Ugo to be made to leave his family take a second and post this info on your blog plus send a note to CNN.

Here's the article. More pictures of Ugo with his family: here Write to CNN and let them know what you think of their great reporter: here
Pass it on in the name of farting, smelly dogs everywhere!! We have rights!!(The Brat Pack said that & I agree!)


Moco said...

Thanks for keeping us informed. We will be checking this out.

Kelli said...

Hi Eduardo!
Thanks for all the info! I never knew there was a change a pet's life day! I hope lots of pets find their forever homes! Poor Ugo and his family. I will make sure to check out their story!
:) Tibby

Martha said...

Thats a lot of information Eduardo - you have been busy. We will check out the site re the change a pet's life day - we like the sound of that. Our lives have recently changed and we are very happy to have a home so we know it is important.
Poor Ugo - what a ridiculous situation. I know a lot of humans who have similar problems!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Eduardo Lots and great info.
I invite to visit my blog and read my post "Making New Friends. I have awards for you. Woof! Sugar

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Tank woo fur sharing!

After all, woo have to listen to someone with a name like THAT!


Yogui said...

Are you sure you aren't a journalist... Thanks for this news...
A Pawhug

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Lol, 12" pleasing stick, too funny! I would like one of those :o)
Thanks for sharing Ugo's story, he's lovely and we'll be visiting the links later on.
Slobbers xx

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

thanks for the info. that is pretty sad that they would not allow a wonderful pet like Ugo. He isn't dangerous..

Gig Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That was a lot of great news. Hope Ugo wins - he should, after all, he must be bigger than that evil lady.

Woos, the OP Pack

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info, Eduardo! Paws crossed for lots of pups and kitties to find furever homes.

I can't believe that about Ugo. That woman needs to mind her own business.

I'm working hard snuggling whenever I get a chance boss!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Eduardo!
I am sure many pets will find a forever home!
Poor Ugo! I am going to tell my mom to write to CNN. Soledad has a problem!
Kisses and hugs

The Devil Dog said...

Dont you want to just smack some people? What a great big dog. He is very handsome.


Bae Bae said...

Oh thanks for telling us. I didn't know there's change a pet's life day. :)

~ Bae

Unknown said...

Thank you Eduardo. I am going to say a prayer for Ugo and his family, that just breaks my heart to hear this.

Jodi's Book Reviews said...

Oh we just don't like news like that. Humans can be so mean and stupid sometimes. We going to send purrs to Ugo and his humans.

L said...

Thanks for all the great news Eduardo. You must have been very busy finding all that information. Too bad about Ugo - we hope they work things out so he can stay.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Meddling journalists! Doesn't Soledad have a war to report on or something?

Duke said...

Thanks for all the info, Eduardo! We'll be checking out the links! Ugo sure is a handsome boy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Eduardo
Thanks for all the info. I will check out Ugo's story. I hope I can help.
Love Ruby

Staci said...

Well, Soledad O'Brien just made my dog poo list. So if a dog farts or drools, it's a reason for eviction, but humans can fart, stink, and drool all they want, even in the elevators, and it's perfectly OK? People do it, too. We've all held our breath in the elevator before, and it wasn't because of a dog or the four-legged variety anyway. Thanks for the info.