Monday, December 29, 2008

Not The Mondays!

Hello All! It's Monday again! I know no one wants to get out of the bed, but you have to.

When you first get up do a big stretch!Wake your babies up, I kiss my sheep when I wake up.

Grab a cup of Joe.Get some fruit for breakfast.

Then head off to work.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a great job woo did and woo have!

I'm khurrently working hard too!


Sandra y Coco Pug said...

What a great daily routine, Eduardo! I specially like your job. I wish I could do the same... Are you hiring?

Girasol said...

Eduardo my friend don work to much hehehehe you need some energy for later.

River said...

And it's hard work snuggling! You are doing a great job!

love & wags,

Noah the Airedale said...

My pinky is still on holidays from her job in the city but they still have to run our B&B. I guess they're not really having a holiday at all.....poor them.

Noah x

Lux said...

What would beans do w/out you to show them how to do it??? :)

You're so cute!

Bruschi said...

Hi Eduardo! You sure do have your morning routine down pat!! your job looks alot like mine!! Do we work in the same place? BOL!

Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

Petra said...

Eduardo, I think you work tooooo hard!

Duke said...

What a perfect start to your day, Eduardo!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Pri said...

Hello!!! Your blog is awsome!!!please tell me how I put paws on my too!! Its so nice that I want it too!!!please! :)

Dughallmor Beagles said...

BOL!! You're so funny Eduardo....our Mum says she wants a job just like yours! Ours is pretty much the same, but before we nap Rosie & Alfie play bitey-face while Gabbi checks the perimeter for intruders....Snoop observes everything from the sofa!
Slobbers xx

The Devil Dog said...

Ha ha. You certainly work hard, Eduardo. I love your "working" look myself. I have been working very hard to get mom to slow down. It is really a hard job.


PS But I get paid very well, treats, pumpkin pie, ham...

Lorenza said...

Hi, Eduardo!
That is a nice way to start a day! My mom needs to follow your tips!
Kisses and hugs

Milton said...

Hi ya, Eduardo!
That's a good morning routine.
Here's what I do: Stay in bed until I hear mine breakfast bein' put into mine dish. Then I gets up.

The Musketeers said...

oh I just hate the mondays ! It gives me the monday blue !

L said...

Our girl wishes she had a job like yours! You do it so well, too.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Eduardo,
My mom says she envies you cos your 'work' looks a whole lot more fun than hers!

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Eduardo
I wish my mom had a job like yours. Have fun working.
Love Ruby

Mack said...

I'm with Sandra!! Where can I get an application!!?

Simba said...

so funny!


Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

We should have taken an extended holiday. I had to work on Monday too! And today!

Amber-Mae said...

Hey! 2009 is like, tomorrow! Get up & celebrate!!!

Have a wonderful Happy New Year!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Hehe! Hope you had a great Christmas, Eduardo!

Joe Stains said...

A cup of Joe!? am I delicious?? LOL