Monday, December 22, 2008

No Nonsense

My Mommy doesn't tolerate any nonsense. So if your going to use the sofa as an obstacle course, pretend like your playing fetch, so she thinks 'she' is the boss.

If your going to sneak cookies from the cookie jar, don't hide them. You better just eat those cookies, because a Mommy who tolerates no nonsense will hide the cookies somewhere else just to bug you!
Finally a Mommy who tolerates no nonsense will talk to your vet, cut back your treat intake dramatically, make you work out way more & what is the result of this? A Buff Snuggle Puggle!
Can you see my muscles?
How bout now?

So how many of y'alls Mommies don't tolerate any nonsense?

Who wants to snuggle?


Sandy said...

I suspect that most mommies are like that (at least most good mommies) I hope you are very grateful for such a good mommie.

Abby said...

Hi, Eduardo...

Who could not want to snuggle with you...You are just adorable...

My Mom is a No Nonsense Mom, too...Until she gives in...

Abby xxxooo

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Eduardo
I want to snuggle.
My mom keeps me in good shape too. I have to keep slim to protect my back.
See you soon.
Love Ruby

Dexter said...

You are looking very sturdy. I don't see any excess Eduardo. I think those workouts are paying off.


The WriggleButts said...

My mom is usually no-nonsense, too. She's a sciense nerd after all!


Daisy said...

My Mommie does not tolerate nonsense from me, either. She will say "Daisy, settle down!" But sometimes I can see she is really laughing.

Unknown said...

Eduardo Snuggley, your little muscley pictures make my heart go pitty pat. Don't tell Bajas, okay?
xxxxoo - from Anniebelly
PS - we love the howliday card!

The Devil Dog said...

My mom doesn't tolerate any nonsense, but I still am not a perfect pug. Oh well!


Clover said...

I'll snuggle with you Eduardo!!!
Love Clover xo

Duke said...

Our mom is a no-nonsense mom too but we still get lots of cookies when we're good, which is most of the time!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Petra said...

I'd snuggle with you any day, Eduardo, especially when it's freezing cold outside!

You have a good no-nonsense mom!

Deetz said...

I am back!!!
I missed you. I sure hope your mum is doing better. I think about her everyday and you also. My mum is better now and we are catching up with everyone. You are so adorable.
Merry Christmas to all of you

Kelly said...

Eduardo! I saw the note you left on my bloggie! I would LOVE to be friends!!!

Lacy said...

w00f's Eduardo, u shure iz in a snuggle mood...and me can usually git by mama iffin me uses me sad puppy dog eyes..

b safe,

Moco said...

Oh, dear. Our house is nothing but a big old barrel of nonsense. We wouldn't know what to do without all the goofiness.
I must say you are looking buff.

Nevis said...

I let mine wreastle and runaround on the couch...but if I"m sitting there trying to watch something I will push them off...

River said...

bol My mom is big softie. I run around a lot so I don't gain weight no matter what she feeds me. It's in the 20s right now and it's still day! We're snuggling like crazy around here. We'll be offline until the weekend when my mom returns so I wish you a Merry Christmas and lots of treats and snuggles.

love & wags,

Girasol said...

Look at you Eduardo, you look so strong with those muscles...I bark to my mon about nonsense!

Fenway said...

Oooh, I want to snuggle. My mom's got strict rules, too: no people food, no sleeping in the human's crate and I've got to sit to get my collar and leash attached.

BUT...I have free run of the couch and do TONS of snuggling while we all watch Animal Planet.

Mickey's Musings said...

Your no nonsense Mom keeps you in great shape ;)
I'm sure you get a little reward from time to time because you are too cute ;)
Purrs Mickey

Gus said...

oops....I gots a softie muzzer, but I am sure she loves me, even though she does give me more treats than I should have. It's probably a guilt thing for her, because she had me neutered.


but I will admit you look very buff

Joe Stains said...

Mom has sort of given up with me, but she is much tougher on Tanner. Dad said I do my own stuff when Mom met him so she can't do much with me :)

Lorenza said...

Hi, Eduardo!
My mom is always watching my weight too! I can't jump around but I get long walkies!
We have the best moms, right?
Take care
Kisses and hugs

L said...

Lookin good, Eduardo!
Our girl pretends to be no nonsense, but then she gives in (sometimes).

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Eduardo,
I think all mommies are like that.. they can be a bit of a 'spoil sport'... on the contary, I think daddies are more 'tolerate' to some rough playing!!
Yes, I'd like a snuggle from you please!

Amber-Mae said...

I think my Mommy is like yours too. She would scream her lungs out if we ever to eat too much treats coz we are already, well, fat!

Stuffed with LambChop,
Solid Gold Dancer

Jodi's Book Reviews said...

wow tanks furr the tips Eduardo. We is hoping you and your humans have a very Merry Christmas.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello eduardo its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay me!!!! me me me me i want to snuggel!!!!! hoo ar we snuggelling with??? ok bye

Unknown said...

Eduardo, you little cutie pie, I hope you and the humans have a very Merry Christmas. God bless.


Peanut said...

Mom tries to act like she doesn't tolerate nonsense but she's a pushover