Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday Madness

This past week was crazy! My Daddy got to stay home with me & Mommy(till today & now Mommy is suffering from Daddy withdrawals) On Thanksgiving day I got to go to my Grandma's & everybody fed me while Mommy's back was turned, & it upset my tummy real bad! But I'm much better now(I did have real nasty boo boos for a few days & Mommy was so worried)! Mommy went to stores with Daddy on Black Friday so he could show her what he liked, & then Saturday she went to stores with Grandma & they got Daddy presents! Yesterday, Daddy & Mommy went & bought a new Christmas tree, Mommy cried when they put it up because it's our first tree! Last year, on December23 Mommy & Daddy moved into the apartment & to keep me away from the madness I stayed with my Uncle Brian, so this year is very special to us because it's really our first Christmas together! Mommy is going to make a big Christmas dinner & home made eggnog! Me, & Mommy, & Daddy just relaxed last night in the living room & looked at the tree...we were all snuggling & so happy! I was taught that the tree is to look at only & not to sniff, pull or potty on! I've been a good boy so far...I'm ready for Christmas! Enjoy the Monday Madness everyone!(I mean the madness of going back to work, stressing over the holidays, wishing it was the weekend again, sending the kids off to school, all that good stuff!)

I'll post pics of the Christmas tree later!


Daisy said...

Eduardo, you have been such a good boy, you deserve lots of presents!

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Sorry the food made your tummy upset! I only got turkey, so I was good.. just didn't want to eat my kibble later though.

Liz said...

poor little puggle. i'm glad to hear that you feel much better now ;)

thanks for stopping by. sure, i would love to add you to my links, in fact, i'm adding you now. nice to have met you eduardo ;)

A Simple Life

Unknown said...

Well I am so glad to hear your tummy feels better Eduardo.

Jake of Florida said...


We're happy you're going to have your first real Christmas!!! Actually, in a way, so are we because this will be the first time we'll be with our humans instead of at camp while they visit Dogdad's family in St. Loulis.

But, snuggle pal, you have to stay away from too much of the wrong kind of food. People sometimes forget that we have delicate digestive systems and give us the wrong thing. They mean well, but the results are not fun. Thank dOG for boiled rice!!!


Jake and Just Harry

Clover said...

Hi Eduardo!
Sorry to hear you were feeling sick. I am glad you are better now!
I bet you and your family are going to have a wonderful first Christmas together, it sure sounds like you will!!
Love Clover xo

Brownie said...

I'm glad you feel well! As Daisy said, You've been good this year!

Gus said...

Eduardo: I am a glutton. I eat to much. Almost every holiday I get sick. I also get a little pushy about food.

You must not grow up like me.


Bryan Karl said...

Hello Eduardo! Yeah we can be friends and you can be my Belgian Malinois Aubrey's friend too...

Anonymous said...

You're just the cutest little guy! We're glad your tummy is better now, and happy that you've got a tree. We won't be getting one at all. 6 cats vs. 1 tree = disaster ::sigh::

Chow Chow said...

I hope your tummy is better now. I do get the boos boos every now and then and I don't know what I ate that caused the runs!

Mummy and I are going to set up our Xmas tree later today. I can't wait! It's my first Xmas!

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh boy!!! Your first Christmas together!!! That sounds like fun. Wait till you see what goes under the tree later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Purrs Mickey

Joe Stains said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful thankgsiving, except for the sicky part :( We are so happy you get to spend Christmas with your family for the first time!

The Muse said...

Here is a lovely Christmas prose...
"The Unexpected Gift"
I hope it helps you treasure your family this season...
(it is my latest work)

Thank you and many blessings Eduardo! I am truly glad you are feeling so much better :)

What a handsome pup you are :)

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Eduardo!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! That's so cool that your family is all set for Christmas! And the eggnog sounds yummy! Mom has not tried eggnog before,so maybe she would make some to try it...*grins*

Hope you have a great day!


The Florida Furkids said...

Our woofie brothers ate some food that upset their tummies last week too. We're glad you're better now.

We've added you to our blogroll too!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Devil Dog said...

I leave the tree alone. It is no fun to do anything with. As opposed to PlusOne's gingerbread house. Now that was good.


Can't wait for the photos

Lorenza said...

Hi, Eduardo!
Glad to hear your tummy is better now!
Thank you so much for sharing the link to the eggnog recipes!
Kisses and hugs

Lindsay said...

Sorry to hear that you didn't feel well after all the eatables. I'm glad it seems to have passed!

Wow, it is so special to have your furry furst Christmas together! The Girl is getting a little misty-eyed... Tell your Mommy to take a picture of the tree so we can all see it!

Brown dog kisses,

Faya said...

Of course you are a good boy ! And I hope you will have a lot of nice gifts for Christmas because you deserve them !
Kisses, Faya

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Arh! Poor little snuggles, you must be careful @ the Christmas feast, no more up-set tummies, as want tyou to have a wonderful first Christmas .

A looking forward to a seeing a photo of your tree!

Love, pats & pets

Simba and Jazzi said...

Hope you are feeling better now. Can't wait to see the tree.

Simba x

Abby said...

Hi, Eduardo...

Thanksgiving is fun, but it can upset your tummy if you aren't careful...

I can't wait to see the pictures of your tree...

Abby xxxooo

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Eduardo
I'm glad your feeling better. I can't wait to see pictures of your tree.
See you soon.
Love Ruby

The Black and Tans. said...

Hello Eduardo

Hope you are feeling heaps better now.

Thank you for visiting us, we will add you to our links.

Molly and Taffy

L said...

We're glad your tummy is feeling better. We know this Christmas will be special for you with your whole family together.

Bruschi said...

Eduardo, you are so lucky to have a tree to look at! Mommmy still doesn't want one in the house again this year, even though I am such a good boy, I told her I wouldn't touch it!
Because mommy and daddy have no family here, they think it is a waste to do a tree. Plus mommy hates pine needles on the floor BOL! But they did lights all over the outside of our house! Even the palm trees have lights! It is so BRIGHT! I'll see if Mommy can post a pic for me!

Santa Paws is coming soon! Can't wait to see your tree!!

Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

Sandra y Coco Pug said...

Hi Eduardo! Take care of your new tree (no pee!!), and you will find lots of gifts for you under the tree for Christmas!

The Musketeers said...

Glad that you're feeling better ! Hope no more tummy aches as you won't wanna miss all those Christmas goodies & stuff :D

xoxo ,
Four Musketeers