Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Grandma Ruby's Christmas Party

Eduardo’s Mommy Here: Sorry about hi jacking Eduardo’s blog I just wanted to share a Christmas story with y’all & a little history about myself. To start off I will say the post may be long so get comfy. At about 7 years old, I went to stay with my brother & his wife, at that time not for good, just until my mother got back on her feet, and then off & on again until I was 12 years old when I did move in with them for good. There was nothing wrong with my Mother, please do not think that. I just felt that I would have a better life, financially, living with my brother & his wife. My brother divorced his wife in 2006, but I choose to stay & live with her, which was fine with him. It sounds odd, yes, his sister living with his ex-wife, but they had 3 children together & he felt like I could help watch them there, so it was ok.

Now to my Christmas story. I always felt a close connection to this family, (I still do) they took me in, & took care of me even though I was not blood related. There was one day I always looked forward to & it was Grandma Ruby’s Christmas Party. It you were lucky Grandma Ruby would make you a gift, it was something very special. Some times a child got an afghan, or all of the young children got matching gifts, like handmade dream catchers. The adults may get coasters or socks, whatever Grandma Ruby felt like that year. The first year I seen everyone getting their presents I was so excited, but Grandma Ruby didn’t know me yet so I didn’t get anything but a hug. I loved the homemade items. The next year I was the lucky kid to get the afghan, I remember hearing people say, “Welcome to the family!” I was so happy, I still have the afghan. As the years rolled by I did not receive anymore handmade gifts. My heart always hurt when I watched everyone open their gift bags & pulled out their gift, I knew they didn’t appreciated like I did. I always got a card with a ten dollar Wal-Mart gift card. I finally asked why I didn’t receive anything, I didn’t want to sound selfish but I felt like I was family too & I had the right to know. When I asked (I asked Grandma Ruby’s daughter, who I was very close to), I could feel the tears rush up to my eyes, I was so ashamed of myself. How could I demand a gift from her? Why wasn’t I grateful for the money? I remember she told me that Grandma Ruby didn’t think I would want some silly handmade gift, and that the other kids had been asking for money instead. I told Grandma Ruby’s daughter that I loved the handmade gifts & I wanted them more than the money. That year I got a beautiful rainbow that hung from my window, it had such colors on it! It hung on my window for so long that the sun dried up the yarn & I had no other choice but to throw it away. After that year Grandma Ruby wasn’t able to make gifts for the family. However, the year I was diagnosed with epilepsy (it was a horrible year for my family,) she made me a lovely afghan in earthy tones that I love, but I have it put up, (with my first afghan,) out of Eduardo’s reach. Grandma Ruby is now is her late 80’s & this year I wasn’t expecting a gift. I went to the party with Ray & we seen everyone, ate & just as we were about to leave Grandma Ruby told us she had a gift for me under the tree. I didn’t expect anything, because she has had a pretty rough year. We didn’t open the gift bag in front of her we gave kisses & left. I reach my hand in the bag as we got in the car, & felt something soft. I pulled it out & it was a reindeer! You may say,”What’s so great about a reindeer?” Well I’ll tell you, Grandma Ruby doesn’t give just anybody reindeer, you have to be married. Of course the reindeer comes with a sleigh & a buddy reindeer. I did cry because it was something very special to me. She also gave us a bag of her ornaments it means so much to me that she would pass these to me. I feel blessed to have been a part of their family, even though not by blood. They will always be my family & she will always be my Grandma Ruby. Merry Christmas Everyone! Happy Holidays!


Abby said...


What a beautiful story...

I'm sure you will treasure the reindeer & the ornaments always...

Gifts from the heart mean sooo much...

We wish you a Very Merry Christmas...

Abby & her Mom xxxooo

Peanut said...

What a lovely story to read today. They are obviously a great family and Grand Ruby is a wonderful woman.

Peanut said...

that should have said grandma not just grand but maybe grand describes her well

Lorenza said...

Thanks for sharing your story!
The ornaments are beautiful!
Merry Christmas!
Kisses and hugs

The WriggleButts said...

That is so sweet! Friends are just as important "family" as blood family! You made Mom all teary eyed!


Duke said...

What a wonderful story! We are smiling through tears here for you, Eduardo's mommy! Bless Grandma Ruby!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Eduardo Mommy,
Thank you for sharing such a nice story with us all. Momma says your family is the people that love you no matter if they are related or not. May we all be with our true families this holiday season.


Lacy said...

w00f's Eduardo and mommy, what a wonderful story...G-ma Ruby wuz truly one of ur families blessings...merry christmas to all of u..

b safe,

Chow Chow said...

that's a beautiful story!!!!! Thanks for sharing it with us :)

Have a pawesome Christmas!

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful story. My grandmother is very crafty (knitting, crocheting, sewing, quilting) and I love receiving her handmade gifts. They mean the world to me. :) I know just how you feel!

Merry Christmas!!

Faya said...

Joyeux Noël !
Faya & Dyos

The Musketeers said...

We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,

xoxo ,
Four Musketeers & Family
Lady , Zena , Cody & Joyce

Erin said...

Thank you for sharing this story with us, it is obviously very special to you. Its awesome to have such a great extended family :D

Erin & Co.

Anonymous said...

We loved Grandma Ruby's story! It made Mom cry though, because she loves special handmade stuff better than almost anything! A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Gus said...

Some people are truly blessings sent to remind us of God's love.

Merry Christmas


Sandy said...

That's is a touching story. So glad you shared with everyone. Makes us remember to appreciate everyone. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Amber-Mae said...

Thanks for sharing us that loverly story & those ornaments are just so pretty. Merry Christmas! Hope you get loads of droolsomely delicious foodies & lots of hugs & kisses too!

Very happy,
Solid Gold Dancer

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Thank- you for sharing your special story.
Christmas is a time for fond memories.

Merry Christmas to you al.
Love, pats & pets

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Merry Christmas Eduardo. We are so lucky to have wonderful blogger buds like you...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Puffie said...

Oh, tears of joy on Christmas. What a beautiful story.

Two Greyhound Town said...

Your story was beautiful. It is so nice to hear from someone who really appreciates handmade gifts.

The Devil Dog said...

We hope you and your family have an awesome Christmas!

Lucky, Roxy, PlusOne, Dad & Mom

L said...

What a wonderful story. We are so happy that your Grandma Ruby knows how much you appreciate her gifts. Those ornaments are beautiful.

We hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas.

Ruby and Penny said...

Merry Christmas Eduardo.
Thank you for sharing a beautiful story.
Enjoy this time with your family.
Love Ruby

Amber said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!
lovely Christmas story :)

warmest regards
Amber :)

Bruschi said...

What a great Christmas Story!! Thank you for sharing that! You are very lucky to have Grandma Ruby and such a wonderful family!

Merry Christmas to you all, and Eduardo of course!

Hugs, Bruschi and his mom

Kelly said...

Oh Eduardo, your Momma's story made me cry! Grandma Ruby sounds like a wonderful woman. She must be such a blessing to your Momma! What your Momma probably doesn't realize is what a blessing SHE is to your Grandma Ruby! :)

Chef said...

Eduardo's mommy: What a beautiful, heartfelt story. Thanks for sharing. Grandma Ruby sounds like a grand lady.

Glad you had a wonderful Christmas! Wishing you a happy and healthy 2009!

Sorry I haven't been by for a while. Mama's been busy with the Christmas rush at work, but I'll visit you regularly again.
