Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Came Early...

Christmas came early...for the parents! My pressies are still under the tree, I have to wait to open them! I got to open one, & I ate it! My Daddy got my Mommy a great Christmas present & couldn't wait for her to open it! It was a Nikon(her favorite brand of camera)Coolpix S52, & it's RED! Mommy almost had a fit! She covered Daddy in kisses & I got jealous & wanted kisses to, so I tried to get in between them, no dice!

Isn't it beautiful?(my Mommy made me put that, she says she will win a photo contest for sure now!)
Mommy loves to take pics with it:
These are my cousins with their Christmas money, they don't stay still!
This is my Uncle Mikey, he loves to play ruff with me, & that makes my Mommy nervous

Let me help you sew mommy! The "Oh So Delish Cranberry Citrus With Pecans On top Muffins" that Mommy made this morning, they are all gone, Daddy wants Mommy to make them again because they were so goooood! I got to eat some pecans(that's pronounced, "pea-can" down here!)

All of these photos were taken without the flash & that's a first in our house because we have very dim lighting!

This is my cousin Sean singing, he loves to sing, he sings night & day, all the time, & he loves to sing to people!


Lois Lane/Laney said...

How fun! Stretching out Christmas makes it last even longer!

Peanut said...

That's a great present for your mommy. Your cousin sean is cute

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

Congratulations to your Mom!

The Devil Dog said...

That looks like a great Christmas present for sure. Your cousin is cute.


Bruschi said...

Oh Eduardo! your mommy is so lucky to get that awesome camera!!! That is the one my mommy wants too!!! I can't wait to see all your new pictures!! I am sure you will win a contest now!!

Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

Clover said...

Hi Eduardo!
Happy early Christmas! What a pawesome pressie for your Mom! I sure hope it will help you win some photo contests. :) (Not that you really need any help! You are so cute!)
And I love the video of your cousin singing! He is SO cute!!
Love Clover xo

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Eduardo
Sean is a little sweetheart.
I love your mom's new camera.
See you soon.
Love Ruby

Lacy said...

w00f's Eduardo, what a pawsome christmas pressie ur daddy got ur mama...looks like u iz already having a wonderful christmas...

b safe,

Petra said...

Oh yeah, the red camera is nice! Practice your smile, Eduardo, and get ready for lots of pictures.

Now the only thing cuter than Sea singing would be YOU singing with him!

Duke said...

We can tell that your mom is ecstatic about her Christmas pressie!
Those cranberry citrus muffins look so yummy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

A new Camera.. cool, your mum can take lots more photo's of you now Eduardo.

Your cousin is so cute singing!

Holly & Zac

CoCo said...

My Mama received a new camera for her birthday at the beginning of the month. My Daddy also got a new one too. Between the two of them...they have a bizillion pictures of me. Mama got the hang of using her camera functions and knows not to use the flash...Daddy on the other hand, flashs and white spots when he is taking my pictures.

I'm glad Xmas came a little earlier for you guys.


Raising Addie said...

WOW that is a wonderful Christmas gift!

Very cute video! I bet you guys have so much fun together!


Gus said...

Eduardo...my muzzer is very jealous of the boootiful red camera, and says to tell your MOM that we want lots of snuggle pix.


Mack said...

Sean is a real cutie. And we just know your Momma is luvving her early Christmas present!

duo_disaster said...

Friend, can you first toss a few muffins over to us please? Hehe...

Pawgratulations to your Mummy for the new camera! Now... Sh've got a new task, shoot more!

Rudolf + Goofy

Lorenza said...

Hi, Eduardo!
Your mom got a great Christmas presents! Sure she loves it!
More pictures and videos of you!
Kisses and hugs

Puglette said...

wow! what a nice camera, i love the color! and it takes very nice pictures too! yay dad!

Koobuss said...

What a great Christmas gift!! Nikons are the best! My mom won't use anything else. She loves them. In fact, she has been thinking about buying herself one of those little red ones for Christmas, too. Hehe. Good luck with it. May your mom take thousands of awesome photos with it.

Koobuss Kisses,

Lindsay said...

Oh such a good present! Way to go, Dad, for getting such a pawfect gift! Congratulations, Momma! Now you'll have to take even MORE pictures of Eduardo! (That's really neat that you can use it without the flash in the house!)


Faya said...

Be ready for great photo-sessions ! Wooohooo more pictures of you....
Kisses, Faya

Emily and Ike said...

Cameras are awesome presents!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Eduardo,
I can't believe you got to open (and eat) one of your pressies already! You lucky boy!!

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

That's so cool that your Mom got a spiffy new camera! She sure takes great photos! *grins* The muffins look AWESOME...wish I could have some! *wink*


PerfectTosca said...

Oh man, those muffins would last about seven seconds on that table if I were there.

The WriggleButts said...

Your lucky mom! And I think she's got to post the recipe for those things. They look yummers!


Anonymous said...

Mom has been drooling over that camera... your mom has to report on how it works!!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Why wait? Open the rest of them too! Then you can just claim you thought it was Christmas already, because after all, you don't have your own calendar ...

Unknown said...

EduardoPuggley, will you be helping your mom and dad open all the prezzies? I bet if you open them tonight while they are sleeping they will be real excited in the morning. just a helpful suggestion fur you. not that I'm speaking from experience or anything,
your good pal, Bad Howard Pee
holiday pughugs!!!

Daisy said...

Oh wowie! That's a perfect present for your mom. Because that means we get to see more Eduardo pictures!

ps: My Mommie thinks those muffins look delicious.

Lynne said...

Now she can take even more pictures of you!

Simba and Jazzi said...

What a great present, I'd rather have a muffin though.

Simba x

Three Pugsketeers said...

Love the new camera; I need one! I look forward to seeing how you like it!

Chrissie said...

What a cool lookin' flashy box! You KNOW she's gonna be flashin' in your face ALL the time!

L said...

Your mom got a wonderful present. We can't wait to see all the pictures she takes with her new camera.