Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Sheep

I have a sheep. I like to snuggle with it.

I like to give my sheep kisses.When I sneak on the big bed, I like to bring my sheep with me.

Sometimes my sheep falls off the bed, I have to make the sad face at Mommy so she will get sheep for me.Come on Mommy, get my sheep.

Thanks Mommy. Are you okay sheep?Time for a nice nap with my sheep.


Baily said...

Hello there,

that is a really nice sheep you got. i love to cuddle with stuffies too and sometimes i trade them in for treats, hehe.

nose licks

Simba said...

sooo cute!! I have a sheep I love too! It's green!



Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Eduardo
I just noseied over to meet you. I really like you blog, your a very interesting guy. I would love to come over some day to go frog hunting with you that looks like so much fun.
I like your sheep. You look too cute snuggled up with him.
I hope you can snuggle over to my blog and we could be friends.
Love Ruby

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

We like your little sheep. Have you had it very long? It looks so pristine and white and clean!

Unknown said...

We love your sheep! Madison wants a giant cow to boss around. I guess a stuffed one would be okay.

Abby said...

Hi, Eduardo...

I love your sheep...He is sooo cute...My favorite Stuffie is my Piggy...

I play the same way with her...She sleeps with me & if she falls off the bed or couch, my Mom gets her for me, too...

I never hurt her...I really love her...My Mom won't let me have her when Rosco is around, cuz he is very hard on Stuffies...

Abby xxxooo

Lacy said...

w00f's Eduardo, me thinks u sheep iz a cutie...and how do u do dat sad eye look, my one eyed monstor falls and me has to git it back...

b safe,

Chrissie said...

Eduardo, you are very cute with your sheep, AND I think you are very smart to train your mom to retrieve with just a look! Most woofies have to be trained to retrieve via voice command or whistle!

Agatha and Archie said...

He looks like a nice kid! Love A+A

Gus said...

Eduardo: You are so cute with your sad face. I bet your mommy is pretty easy to train when you look at her like that. Hope all is going good for you and family.


The Devil Dog said...

Hmmmm, should I be jealous?

Lucky pulls those eyes on mom when one of her toys falls off the bed.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Eduardo!
You have your mom well trained! I do the same with my toys!
Glad you have your sheep to cuddle with him!
Kisses and hugs

River said...

You get cuter every day! Sheep--I'd have it shredded in seconds. You have a very nice sheep, hmmm.

love & wags,

Puggle Preston said...

Hi Eduardo, You look so cute snuggling with your sheep. I have a sheep too but mine is not in a good shape like yours...
awww...You mommy will do anything for you if you keep showing her that cute face.

Bella the Boxer said...

What a cute sheep....almost as cute as your new froggie friend, Eduardo!

xoxo - Bella

Moco said...

It is good that you have your mom trained when your sheep gets off the bed. We can see that you take good care of him.

Poopsie aka Blue said...

I can see you really love that sheep - you're cuddling sooo close!

Pats & pets

Boo Casanova said...

eduardo, do you bark so you could get what you want??? i bark bark bark to get the human's attention. :P

i'm spoiled!

wet wet licks


Simba and Jazzi said...

You really love that sheep. I'd have had his stuffing out by now.

Simba x

Lois Lane/Laney said...

You are the king of cuddles, Eduardo! Too cute!

Toffee said...

Awww...those pics of you snuggling with your sheep are very cute! I am sure that your sheep is nice and healthy because of your care!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

ba ba white sheep

u looks so comfy hugging her

Anonymous said...

Hi! Gus has a sheep too and he does all the same things with you do! especially the dropped the sheep on the floor face.. except I am lazy and i don't pick it up for him!! :)

Unknown said...

Eduardo, my good pal, that sheep looks delishush!
hugs from howee

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

hay hay eduardo! itz scooter. i reely lik yur sheep. how did u trane yur mom tu pik him up fur u?? r u the mom whispererer?? u need a tv sho lik that dog whispererer!
hi 5s buddy!

Joe Stains said...

you are so so cute with your little sheep! I hate when toys fall out of the bed!

The WriggleButts said...

Let's just say I know a thing or two about spying kitties - and you'd figure out pretty soon if they're spying. The'd come stick claws and theeths in you in no time!


Bruschi said...

BOL Eduardo! That's a nice sheep you've got there! I do the same thing with my stuffies.....play, drop, sad face.....mommy gives in every time!

Hugs, Bruschi

L said...

You look so cute with your sheep. We would have eaten it by now!