Well Mommy told me she is sorry she hasn't been able to help me get around to every one's bloggie's! We will be checking in with y'all soon! And don't mind if you see some funky colors floating around on the blog, it's under construction!(Mommy loves the color green for me so you will mainly see that)
36 minutes ago
w00f's Eduardo, me likes the new color, easy on the eyes..
b safe,
I agree with Lacy,'duardo...it is a very calming color.
Mom says the new color is lovely. Check in when you can. We understand stuff comes up
Hi, Eduardo!
I like the green color on your blog!
I hope your mom is feeling well.
Kisses and hugs
I like the green, too!
Eduardo, I'm glad we found each other too, however it happened!
Does Buddy destroy everthing he gets his toofers on, like my Min Pins? They sometimes are very bad doggies! The Roomie gets especially mad when they chew holes in her socks!
Brown dog kisses,
Hi Eduardo. The new look is pretty. Mom says finding the right color combo is very hard.
It's a pretty mint green. I hope your mom is feeling okay!
love & wags,
We love the new color!!
The colour really suits you.
Simba x
We love this minty green color! It suits you, Eduardo!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You most certainly look good in green, Eduardo!
We love the new color.
Hi Eduardo! The new color looks great! Tell your mommy she did a good job!
Love the halloween costume.....I am sure Roxy does too! I am going to be a skunk this year.....a "Lil Stinker" as mommy says. BOL!
Hugs, Bruschi
The green looks nice. Your prisoner of love costume suits you. I know you are a little love muffin.
Dear Eduardo,
I just watched the party video, it was much more fun than I would have imagined!
Thanks for your excellent hard work, the whole 8 minutes I sat still watching the amazing video with full attention.
I was at 3:31 to 3:35 minute, I liked the title: Mango rolled on the grass, that's me, that what I loved to do.
Thanks again buddy, oh, I almost forgot to tell you that I admire your love to Roxy. I love the idea prisoner of love, me too, my heart and soul captured by Crystal, have you been to her blog before?
Your mom is doing a good job and you're being very patient, Eduardo!
We like the new look of your blog. Mommy is doing a good job.
Love your costume.
We always welcome a visit from you.
We like the new look of your blog. Mommy is doing a good job.
Love your costume.
We always welcome a visit from you.
Mom thinks that is a beautiful color too. She wants to change up her blog too she just hasn't gotten at it yet...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
hi eduardo, are you putting snow in your blog?
wet wet licks
Tad little late!!!!
I hope you get back soon cause we really miss you heaps!
Rudolf & Goofy
P/S: We're finally (and we meant it this time) back actively blogging... *ROFL*
Check us out soon!
Woof Eduardo,
Hey, we love the new colors, very relaxing and calming. We like your halloween costume too. Mom says your look adorable but we think you look like a hardened criminal. Hope your Mom is doing well.
Desert Pups
Hi Eduardo! I think you may be one of the cutest puggles I've ever seen!
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