Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hop On!

So Mommy told me my party will be this upcoming weekend! She also said she hired a plane to go around the world to pick everybody up! So if you want to come to my party just leave a comment saying: "Hop On!"
See you at the party!
Oh, yesterday my Mommy was just baking me some biscuits! But it caused her a lot of stress & a big headache, and she had to lay down. She is better now though! Yeah!
The party is going to be so much fun especially since y'all are coming!


Gus said...

Hop On...we'll see ya soon

Gussie n Teka

please get us seats at opposite ends of the plane, 'K?


Toffee said...

oooh! oooh! HOP ON! HOP ON!

pee-ess...I saw that Tabitha girlie on River's site and agreed that she looked like the pawfect girl for you!

hop on!

Lizzy said...


I've been away for so long, I'm jsut catching up with everyone now! What kind of pawty is this? May I join in?! I like planes!


Lacy said...

w00f's Eduardo, can me hop on toooo, please..

b safe,

pps we iz gonna have sum fun..

Daisy said...

I would love to attend. Are there any window seats left on the plane?

Pei In The Life said...

Hop On!
I'll bring the pei kisses! And some for your Mom for all the hard work she's putting into your pawty.

Lorenza said...

Hop on!
I am sorry your mom did not feel well. I hope she is better today!
Kisses and hugs

River said...

Hop on! I definitely want to come to your pawty!! Hope your mom feels better.

love & wags,

Joe Stains said...

HOP ON! you want me to bring anything?

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Hop On, I'll bring root beers and home made spring rolls.
Just in case you have overbooking, no problem, I'll Hop right Off but I'll leave spring rolls and root beers for all of you enjoy.

Unknown said...

Booker does planes very well - that is how he came, all by himself, to live with H-Mom et al. Is this a crate-free trip?

Moco said...

Hop on, hop on, hop on. We can't wait.
Tell mom to not work so hard.

Puglette said...

Hop On!! Please let us know if we can help with anything. :o)

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hop on, Hop on, Hop on!!
(Sorry that was my little sister.. she is still young so she is easily excitable!!)..
Count us in!!

Sandra y Coco Pug said...

Hop on! I have always wanted to go on a trip!

Dexter said...

A party? Count me in! Do you have an elevator at your house? You know how I hate climbing stairs.


Chef said...

I'm only allowed to come if your mommy will be home!


Petra said...

Let me hop on, too!

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Eduardo! we wouldn't miss you pawty fur anything! Oh and you looked pawsome in your manly bandana! Roxy is gonna love!

love licks gotta go pack xoxo

Deetz said...

I will be waiting...I would like a window seat please. I cannot wait for your party...are you old enough to drink? Doesn't one will be driving!!!

The WriggleButts said...

yay! Hop on! I can hardly wait for a nice pawty!


Princess Patches said...

We want to Hop On too! I, Poppy will be 8 years old on Friday and I'm getting an Aire-cut for my barkday! See you on the plane! I bet your barkday will be more exciting than mine will!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Nevis said...

We'll be there with bells on!

Duke said...

Hop on, hop on!
We'll bring the ice cream!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sami & Baylee said...

Hop On! I would love to join you in all the fun! I never been on a plane, is it fun?

xoxox Sami


Woof Eduardo,

Hop on. We hope to make it to your party just as soon as we smuggle Toby out of DC. We promise to try and behave.

Desert Pups

Puggle Preston said...

Hop on!
I am ready for the pawty!


Puglette said...

Hi Eduardo! Happy Birthday you snuggly boy! Less than an hour now!
Ollie and Charlie are sending bitey face kisses your way!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Hope you had a good weekend. Its been wet and windy here all weekend.

Simba x

Bruschi said...

Hop on!! I love parties! Especially if there is cake involved!
Hope it's a great one!
Hugs, Bruschi

Anonymous said...

Oh, we definitely want to 'hop on'!!

Mack said...

This is gonna be a fun party, complete with biscuits and the works!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Hoppin on!!! We missed this post somehow!!

Asta said...

Hop on!!!!
Ican't wait!
smoochie kisses

Harry Pugalicious said...

Hop on! Happy Birthday, Eduardo!!!

L said...

Hop On! It sounds like you are going somewhere exciting and we would love to join in the fun!

Clover said...

Hop On!!