My Mommy & I talked & tried to think of something I could do for Roxy
the devil dog to 'work' for her, I don't have any money so I can't get her a gift on my own, but I told my Mommy & Daddy that I would do chores around the house if they pay me. After a while they agreed! Any way today I decided I would channel my inner beagle and howl my way into Roxy's heart! At least until I can get her a lovely gift! And Roxy you just wait I'm going to spoil you rotten!
Check it out!
Also I got some awards! This One is from
river, I got it for my supreme snuggling powers!

I want to pass this award to Maggie & Mitch! Maggie & Mitch were the first dogs to comment on my blog & they are there at every single blog, I think they are at every body's blog! I stop at a random blog that seems to have just started & there they are! Maggie & Mitch enjoy making everybody in the blogging world feel like you can come here & blog! That this can be your outlet! That they are here to read your thoughts even if no one else does. That makes me want to go find other blogs that haven't found friends yet and welcome them to the blogging world. Maggie & Mitch thank you for making me feel welcome! Thank you for letting everybody know, it's nice to be nice,(that's what the award says, um, click to enlarge)!
I got this award from Gus and Indy as well! Thank you Gus & Indy! I have seen no one that doesn't already have this award. However...let me know if you don't & I will post a new blog where I will give this award to you!
w00f's Eduardo, congrats on ur awards...u iz a cutie, now me gots to go watch ur video..
b safe,
Hi, Eduardo!
Good job with the video! Roxy is going to love it!
Congratulations on your awards!
Kisses and hugs
Congratulations on the awards! You deserve them. Nice video! How can Roxy resist??
Congratulations on the awards! You deserve them. Your howling got our household howling--it was deafening! I hope the howling will help you with Roxy. Seems like she's playing hard to get!
love & wags,
We posted our quirks!
Congratulations on your awards. I love your quirks.
Simba x
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, you're making mom cry, Eduardo! You are the nicest friend any doggies can ever have! We will display your award with pride! Thank you so much!
BTW, we LOVED your video!
Our paws are crossed that we get internet access on Nantucket!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That's such a sweet thing to do for Roxy. Congrates on your awards
~ Girl girl
Eduardo how could Roxy resist you pal. I know I couldn't. But, I have a crush on Mango....Mitch....Noah ok so I can't decide who I have a crush on. Good luck.
Now I need your help pal. Apache from Apache's Tribe tried to "murder" Wheely Paco. She said she had him Airelifted to the Wheely Hospital. tsk tsk. We are trying to bully her into getting him to get him there. Could you go read my blog and help us out???? Thanks pal.
How could Roxy not be impressed with that, Eduardo?! You and your mom howl a great duet together, too!
Congrats on your awards!
Eduardo, you are so pawsome! You howl and woo with the best of them. I just hope Roxy doesn't make you do too much for her love-- you've already been brave to come forth and give her a rose!
Congrats on the award!
Hi Eduardo,
If you could do a little bit of snuggling for my mom...We know the power of the Snuggle! It would help with her pain. The pain isn't bad just annoying and snuggling would definitely make it better. And I'll let her rub my tummy so together we can help her feel good! Peanut butter cake sounds great!
love & wags,
Hi Eduardo! Congrats on your awards and we enjoyed your video!
I don't know how roxy could not love that.
Congrats on your awards
Eduardo,that was a great video!!!!
I'm sure Roxy will love it ;)
I know Mom & I liked it.That is a neat howl :)
Congrats on your awards too!!
Purrs Mickey
Dear Eduardo, I love the video. When I said work for it, I didn't mean to make you scared. Comments like "hello beautiful" and the like will do just fine. (Actually better than fine, it made my heart pitter patter.)
congrats on the awards, Eduardo!
I am sure Roxy will take you in a minute.
Congrats Eduardo on your pawsome awards! XOXO Peanut
Eduardo, you're one of the friendliest fellows! I'm so glad there's a woofie like you that visits me. Roxy is a gorgeous girl, and she has the cutest belleh! You should see it today. Whoo! Anyway, I wish you the best in your quest for your lady fair!
My typist is such a ding bat. she is hoping that you got the last comment.
I guess she somehow lost it. We love your singing and know that Roxy will be smitten with you.
Congrats on your awards.
Congrat Eduardo!!! and happy weekend!!
slurpy licks,
emmitt and i love your serenade!
roxy will just melt after that!
she will be puddy in your paws.
m & e
Hi Little one!
TY for your sweet coment & you haven't upset me - I love you - wish I could snuggle up.
It's just humans I don't want around, who may make me change things.
But promise yo let you know if things change blog wise...
Love, pats & pets
wow you have a set of pipes on you!! you can sure sing. I am sure Roxy will love this. Congrats on your award!
Woof, Eduardo
Congrats on the awards, they're really cool. Sorry we haven't been by lately but our computer hangs up sometimes when opening blogs with a lot of pictures. Oh, we'll try and remember to remind you about The Greatest American Dog.
Desert Pups
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