Thursday, July 17, 2008

Great news!

Even though I haven't picked up on how to ring the bell when I need to go potty, Mommy seems to be able to read my mind when it comes to having to go outside,(mostly because I whine and jump on her). As a reward for not having an accident in the apartment for a little over 3 weeks Mommy and Daddy are taking me to...drum roll please...Buddy's house!
Oh I'm so excited! Buddy is my bestest snuggle pal! He's a min pin and I met him in May of this year; I stayed with him & his Mommy while my Mommy & Daddy were on their Honeymoon. I'm gonna take lots of pictures! Oh, goodness I've been sleeping to save my energy! Mommy also wanted me to say if there is any doggie that wants to come to my barkday party in October,(I know that is a long way off but my Mommy says it's never to early to prepare) let her know, just send an e-mail to me, hee hee:

Since I last since Buddy I was attacked by a very large dog, I've been straying away from all male dogs since, & Mommy hopes that seeing Buddy will boost my confidence & get me ready to go to an off lease dog meet up! I've never been to one before & I think mommy is way more nervous than me. I'm worried that Mommy might get hurt if I'm attacked again. Mommy had to pull that big dog off of me & he was trying to tear my Mommy's arm off to get to my throat, Mommy was so upset afterwards! Now I won't go anywhere near the area I was attacked. Anyway, I was fine, & now I'm super excited to be going to Buddy's house!


Bruschi said...

Eduardo, what a scary story about the big dog that attacked you! I don't blame you for being hesitant around other male dogs! Good job to your mommy for saving you!!
And congrats on your good behavior so you can go see your bestest pal Buddy! You are going to have so much fun!!
Love, Bruschi the Puggle

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

OMD... Eduardo, a big dog attacked me too and daddy pulled it off but like, I totally know what you are feeling. Hugs! Have fun at Buddy's!

Jersey said...

Nice to meet you! I added you to my page as well. Hey we kind of look a like ...more beagle than pug.;)

Duke said...

What a horrible experience for you, Eduardo!
Have a blast with Buddy! We can't wait to hear all about it!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh boy that sounded awfull..WE hope you have a nice time!!! Love A+A Count us in for the party!!

The Devil Dog said...

Dear Eduardo, what a scary thing to have happen to you. We hope your mom reported that dog to animal control. Thank goodness she was there and is unhurt. Have fun with Buddy. And we would love to come to your barkday party. Mom is a planner too, she plans everything, so she understands your mom's feeling about this.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Eduardo!
I just can imagine the whole episode with that mean big dog!
I'd be so scared too!
I am sure you are going to have a great time with Buddy!
Kisses and hugs

FleasGang said...

Have fun playing with Buddy. And try not to worry too much about the "incident" that happened to you and your mom. It was probably just a random act of violence :-)

the Fleasgang

Sami & Baylee said...

Awesome job potting outside! What a great reward to visit your friend! Keep up the great job!

Bella the Boxer said...

One day at a time, Eduardo! You'll build up your confidence again soon enough. Have fun with Buddy.

xoxo - Bella

Simba and Jazzi said...

I hope you have fun with your friend. Don't forget to take your camera.

Simba x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh.. that's a scary experience with that dog that attacked you...
I bet you'll be excited to meet Buddy. :)

~ Girl girl

River said...

That was really horrible that you were attacked. I'm glad you're okay and will be able to celebrate another birthday. What big eyes you have, very funny.

love & wags,

Petra said...

I would have been terrified if I had been attacked by a big dog, Eduardo. I'm so glad your mom was there to rescue you!

I'm sure you'll have a great time with Buddy!

(and I'm glad to see you learned how to change your comments thing; sorry I was no help...)

Archie and Melissa said...

oh my goodness! your mommy is a hero! i am so glad you are both ok. we are friends of roxy and lucky and wanted to come by and introduce ourselves. i am melissa and my pug is emmitt. :) it is so nice to meet you!

Clover said...

Hi Eduardo,
Sorry about that big dog run-in you had. I am so glad you are okay!
About the bell ringing - have you seen the bell that I have? I ring it to get let outside too. I posted about it a while ago. I will leave you a comment with the link to that post. Maybe a different type of bell will work. Hey, I will get Mom to email you about how they trained me - maybe she will have some tips for you?
But I know you can do it. Don't let your Dad get discouraged with you.
Love Clover xo

Lenny said...

Have fun with Buddy!! I am sure you will have a great time and there won't be anything scary...or bitey...

Your friend, Lenny

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

It sure is nice to go see friends. Wee hope you have a great time..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Peanut said...

OH my let me at the big dog I will take him down. I was once attacked by a little dog and I don't like them much now. Have fun with buddy

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh crikey Eduardo, what an awful thing to happen to you and your mum. We hope you get your confidence back but it must be hard.
Have fun with your matie.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx

umekotyan said...

Hello Eduardo.
Happy time with the friend.
And, I : Award to you.
Please enjoy a wonderful present on the weekend. :)

from loved ume tyan

Shawn Ross said...


Big dogs can be scary at times! So far, I've been lucky, only a couple little ones have nipped at me! Be brave!

Feelin' your pain,

Dexter said...

I hope your socializing works out. Dog parks can be bad. Grandpa Angus got attacked by a bad dog at one and she has never gone back again. Instead, we only go to playgroups that are run at training facilities (of course I don't go anymore at all because I don't really like meeting a lot of strangers at once).


Pippa said...

H Eduardo

Nice to meet you. You came by my blog a few days ago. i am always nice to little dogs when they are friendly.


L said...

Good job training your mom to read your mind when you need to go outside. Now you just need to train her to read your mind when you need a biscuit!

That dog attack sounds scary. Hopefully you will have fun with Buddy!